#119 - T.J. Oshie - #77 Washington Capitals: Part One

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In the heat of the moment, it happened.

T.J. and I did the deed, we were both so happy, and drunk, and never thought about the consequences of not using protection before we got down to business.

I never thought of anything that night until the throwing up began, at first I thought that I just had some sort of sickness that was traveling around but then the sickness got worse. Brandi, Braden's wife, had came round to check on me while the boys are out playing their first home game of 2017 and it was when she had asked when my last period was I began to freak out.

Two months, two months without a period.

Brandi ran to the store and returned with four pregnancy tests, each different to the other one, and made me take them.

Now I sit beside Brandi on the floor of mine and T.J.'s bathroom, waiting for the timer to go off. Brandi sat beside me with her hand in mine, my hand clutching her's so tight that my knuckles started to go white.

"What if I am pregnant?" I asked softly, tears wanting to fall from my eyes but I didn't let them.

"We will figure that out when we get the results of the test, right now you don't need to worry about anything." Brandi told running her hand up and down my back in a soothing position. I already know the answer to the pregnancy tests, I just took them to be one hundred percent true that I am carrying T.J. child.

The timer finally went off and I jumped up to the sink counter to check the tests.

Four positive plus signs staring back at me. 

"No, no, no." I mumbled shaking my head, Brandi stood beside me and put her hand on my shoulder. I turned around into her body and cried, she wrapped her arms around my body and let me cry into her neck. We aren't ready for this, we can't look after a child. T.J. is busy with his hockey, I am busy with getting my law degree. Now I have to give it all up to have a child, or not. The only simple solution, get an abortion.

"Y/N, when are you going to tell him? If you are two months along then you are close to showing soon, it's going to be hard hiding a stomach that has a baby growing inside it." Brandi asked running her hand up and down my back. 

"Soon, I'll tell him soon." I nodded wiping away the tears as I stood back from Brandi, she smiled sadly at me and put her hand on my arm.

"Call me any time honey, if you need me to be there when you tell him just give me a call." Brandi told genuinely meaning her words, I smiled and nodded sniffing as I did. 

"I must get back, will you be alright?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Go on before your husband wonders where his wife is." I laughed softly. 

Soon after Brandi left T.J. came home, I had thrown out the four pregnancy tests in the garbage, and had myself placed in bed with a book while I waited for T.J. to come home. I tried reading but each time my eyes ran over one word all I could do is the think of T.J.'s reaction to becoming a father, would he be happy? I don't know and that's what scared me, we haven't talked about having kids and here we are soon to have one in our lives. 

"I'm home babe." T.J. called as he entered into the house, I didn't hear him as he entered into the bedroom, I am too caught up in thoughts.

"Earth to Y/N." T.J. laughed as he jumped onto the bed, he lay with his stomach against the bed and his chin resting against my stomach. 

"Hey sorry, I was reading." I lied to him, I wasn't reading, I still had the same page opened as I did when I sat down about an hour ago.

"How was your day? Did you throw up again?" T.J. asked pushing himself up so that he sat beside me in bed, he held his hand in mine and intertwined our fingers together. I stared down at our hands and the thought of this possibly being the last time this will ever happen made me tear up, how could we have not thought to use protection?

"Ah no, my day was OK." I nodded setting my book to the side to not have to deal with staring at T.J. who still has his hand in mine. 

"That's good, listen I'm going to get put of these clothes and maybe we can chill the rest of the night, watch a movie, order in pizza." T.J. suggested as he untangled his fingers from mine and got off the bed, I felt a tear roll down my cheek as his hand left mine. I tried to picture what he looks like before he either leaves or kicks me out, even the thought of that made me tear up.

"Yeah that sounds good, I'll go order the food now. Pepperoni, right?" I asked getting off the bed as well, I pulled down my giant shirt over my stomach to hide any growth changes that may seem noticeable. 

"Yup babe." He smiled before entering into the bathroom, I let more tears fall as I walked out of our bedroom and into the kitchen to grab the telephone. As I ordered the food I hadn't taken notice of T.J. who stands in the frame of the door, he leans against the framework with his arms folded and waits until I hang up the call before speaking up.

"How long have you known?" He asked pushing himself off the frame and walked over to the island, I looked down at his hands and in his right hand he holds the four pregnancy tests. He leans against the island, he throws the tests into the center and all I can do is stare at them. Those plus signs ruining my life, well more like I've ruined my life for not being careful. 

"Y/N, how long have you known?" T.J. said repeating himself. I sighed and looked up to T.J. though he is blurred because of the tears in my eyes, all I can make out is a stressed expression on his face.

"Before you came home." I replied in a quiet voice. T.J. sighed and rubbed his face before pacing the room, I sat down at the chair at the island and slightly cried. 

"You are going to hate me when I say this but I think we should break up, I'm not ready to be a father." My head shot up when he said that and rage filled my body. 

"You think you're not ready to be a father? How do you think I feel? I'm carrying this child. You're lucky T.J. you get to walk away from this all but I can't, I can't walk away from this." I spat out in rage, T.J. looked back at me with a startled look. 

"Still, I think we should break up." He said nodding as he seemed adamant on breaking up. 

"OK." I nodded trying to stay strong but the tears that fell from my eyes told a different story. 

After gathering most of my belongings, I stood at the door with my suitcase and dufflebag while I put on my shoes. T.J. sat in the living room saying nothing as I walked out the door, I got into my car and drove off. I pulled up outside of Braden and Brandi's house, I switched the car off and sat there staying at my car wheel before letting my emotions explode. Brandi ran out of their house once she saw my car sitting in her driveway, she pulled the car door open and hauled me into a huge hug. I cried hard as she soothed my back once again. 

"What happened Y/N?" She asked stroking my hair. 

"We broke up." 

A/N: Whoa! OK so I am only noticing the reception this book has gotten now, I am so unbelievably happy with it. You guys are the best, I cannot believe the reads this book has gotten, I am so grateful for you guys reading this silly book of mine. And I know that I say it a lot that you guys have made my day and truthfully you guys have, I love coming on here and writing for you guys and also for myself. I never paid attention to the vote part of this book because I never really cared about it but oh my gosh, over five thousand votes. Crazy! I cannot thank you guys for taking your time to read this book, it makes my day. So thank you so much. 

Also I am very tired and can hardly keep my eyes open so if there are spelling mistakes and things in wrong places, I am apologize.


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