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Rosalie was sat on the beach, watching Jesse, Koby and some of their friends in the water. The waves were large today, and she was nowhere near ready to go out in it, so she decided sitting and watching was more than enough for her. She had been sat alone for about an hour when she heard someone shuffling next to her to sit down. It was Nicola, the woman whom she had met earlier.
"Hey sweetie," she began, "is it okay if I sit here?" She asked, and Rosalie smiled and nodded.
"I thought you were at work today?" Rosalie asked after a moments silence. Nicola nodded.
"Hoppo let me have a half day today, and Chap told me about Jesse being with you so I thought I'd come and rescue you, but he doesn't seem to be doing a very good job at keeping you busy." She joked, nudging the younger girl playfully. Rosalie giggled.
"He said they were showing me how real men surf." She said, still smiling widely.
"You should see me when I'm out there. One day me and you will bring them out here and school them." Nicola exclaimed, and Rosalie smiled even wider.
"That would be so much fun."

Another few moments passed of quiet. There was no much noise, other than the crashing of waves against the rocks, and the jeers of the people on the ocean when their friends got dunked. Rosalie had found a new love for the beach and everything that came with it.
"How you liking Australia so far then?" Nicola asked, watching Rosalie's eyes scan her surroundings.
"I love it," she began softly. "it's truly amazing. So different to England, in every possible way, but it's better. I just wish my mum..." She said quietly, but trailed off, blinking back tears that she didn't realise had surfaced. Nicola rubbed her back sympathetically.
"I understand sweetie, and in no way am I saying this to try and... replace her, or anything like that, but if you ever need someone, I know you have your dad and the lads, but if you ever need a girl to talk to about anything at all, I'm here for you sweetheart. I know how difficult things and emotions can be, especially when the only people you have around you don't understand what it's like to be a teenage girl." Rosalie smiled warmly, nodding.
"Thanks, Nicola. I'll probably take you up on that at some point."

The pair sat in quiet conversation for a while longer, until they were interrupted by a frantic sprinting up the beach. Reidy came into view, an obvious expression of worry.
"I came as quickly as I could! Are you okay? What happened? Where is he?!" Reidy fired all these questions at his daughter as he felt the concern and anger towards the boy who scared her build.
"Nothing, I'm fine. I just panicked a little." She said, her cheek turning red as she realised everyone seemed to know about this and she didn't even know what had happened. Reidy studied her face, then out of nowhere pulled her into a hug. Although Rosalie knew this man was her father; and he was never going to hurt her like her stepfather had; she still tensed up, and was quick to separate from the hug. It left her wondering if she would ever fully feel normal, and trust people again.
At this rate, she felt it extremely unlikely.

Hey guys, I'm sorry this has taken so long to be updated. I have only just started feeling better, and whilst I know where I want to go with this story I struggle trying to find filler chapters like this one to bulk up the book, rather than it being totally unrealistic in the sense that some big dramatic event happens every chapter.
I'm sorry it's so short :(
I'm sorry it's also really not very good :(

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