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Calum hadn't stopped trying to ring and text Rosalie since she had left his house. It had been 3 weeks. He was worried. How could they be in a serious, committed relationship if they didn't communicate? He sighed, as for the fifteenth time he was sent to voicemail, and decided to send her a short text.
Sorry for scaring you. I just wanted to have a perfect day. Sorry. Ring me back.

Rosalie inhaled deeply. She didn't know what to do- he had scared her, but she understood overthinking through anxiety and she didn't want to seem like she was being judgemental. She shook her head, and text him back.
Don't worry, you just freaked a little. It was weird.

Calum smiles, satisfied that she was back on board with the relationship. Rosalie, however, was still not convinced.

Rosalie had not been sleeping. Between a mixture of nightmares and the unnatural heat for her English self, she struggled to settle down enough to get more than a couple of hours. It was becoming evident in her body language and her attitude. She had become short tempered and snappy with people, when usually she was very polite. Everyone knew something was wrong, but no one knew what. Neither did she if she was being honest.

Reidy had gone to work, and Deano and Chappo were making some lunch. Rosalie had been awake since 3am, but she had stayed in her room, staring at the ceiling until 1pm. Chappo had finally knocked for her around 12, and the sight that greeted him was not pleasant. She had huge dark circles around her eyes where she hadn't slept, and her eyes didn't look as happy as they used to- they were dull and without a sparkle. She had also let her room get very messy- clothes and pictures were strewn across the floor, and whilst that was not uncommon for teenagers, it was for Rosalie. She was usually tidy and clean and neat, and hated anyone messing things up. At first he has wondering if she was OCD, with her tendencies she displayed, but now he was considering other things.
"Did you get any sleep at all last night?" Deano asked when she walked down the stairs wearing jeans and a 5sos shirt with a checkered shirt on top. She ran her hands through her partially greasy hair and shrugged.
"Maybe an hour or so I guess?" She thanked Chappo as he handed her a plate with a sandwich on, and sat heavily on the chair. They were watching some show about crime she gathered, but didn't pay much attention. She just felt drained. Mentally and physically exhausted and overworked. Motivation to do anything; even just eating the sandwich; was lacking and she picked at the crusts before putting it down, virtually untouched. Chappo noticed this and stared at her, as she slouched down a little and closed her eyes.
"You not eating that?" He asked softly, knowing how temperamental she had been lately and not wanting to upset her. She shrugged, eyeing the sandwich before shaking her head.
"Not hungry, thanks though." She shot him a weak smile and left the room quickly, the overwhelming urge to vomit was taking over her thoughts. Deano rushed into the bathroom after her as her body shook over the toilet- something was seriously up with her, and they were determined to find out what.

Okay I'm so sorry it's so short, I just wanted an update for you all. I have my A level exams starting pretty soon, so I'm gonna be busy for a while. But I promise when summer starts I'll be 100% focused. (My summer starts June 29th btw!!)
Hope you like this, please drop me a vote and make sure you keep commenting guys! Even if it's to tell me how your days been- I love talking to you all!

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