One Thing After Another

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When Reidy had heard that Rosalie had been sick again, he demanded that he take her to the emergency room. She was convinced he was overreacting, but he insisted, and she knew better than to argue.

Upon their arrival, she checked in and they had them wait for a while. When her name was called, she insisted she went alone. Her father hesitated, but knew she was old enough to do it alone. He huffed as he sat down, a nurse bringing a glass of water to him which he was thankful for, and pushed his head against the wall behind him.

Rosalie was nervous as she followed the nurse to a cubicle. The nurse was a smiling woman who didn't look too much older than herself. They spoke quietly to each other, Rosalie purposely under exaggerating her sickness and stomach pains. The nurse could tell, and insisted she did more tests.

After about fifteen minutes of waiting, the nurse came back in, with a doctor who was pulling a machine.
"Hey, my name is William Green, I'm a doctor. I need to ask you a few questions, and they may be a little uncomfortable to answer but I need you to be honest, as this is completely confidential." Rosalie's eyes widened, unsure of what to expect.
"Okay, are you sexually active?" Almost instantly Rosalie shook her head, blushing.
"Would you mind if we did an ultrasound scan anyway? We'll get a better picture if anything's going on inside your tummy then?" The doctor asked again, clearly unconvinced by her answer.

Reidy's head shot up as Rosalie approached him. She looked slightly pale, and he was concerned that she didn't have any medication with her.
"What did the doctor say?" He asked, hugging her. She looked nervous, but answered quickly.
"Oh, it's just viral, i'll be okay in a few days."

Her stomach didn't settle. She had told her father that she was going on a walk, and left, marching over to Callum's house immediately. She slammed her fist on the door repeatedly. He answered quickly, and a large smile was on his face when he saw her. Her face grew red with anger.
"What the fuck did you do to me?!" She screamed. His face paled, and he quickly left his house, shutting the door behind him.
"Let's go for a drive." She was hesitant, but her fury took over and she agreed.

"Look, I just wanted to take our relationship to the next level." He said, shooting her an innocent smile as he pulled up to the car park on the Cliffside.
"You had sex with me when I was asleep and got me pregnant?! We didn't have any relationship other than the start of a friendship but now we have NOTHING!" She yelled, and he frowned.
"You don't mean that, baby."
"DON'T YOU YELL AT ME!" The tone of his voice was so intimidating and threatening that she immediately dropped her head.
"Callum, you raped me." She whispered, blinking back tears. "I can't do this." She reached for the door, but he locked the doors. "Let me out of the car."
"I didn't rape you." He growled, his teeth gritted. "Everyone leaves me, you're carrying my baby, our baby. This is a beautiful thing, we can be together."
"I don't want to be with you. You're crazy!" Her breathing was becoming erratic, and she immediately regretted saying that to him.

A moment passed, and he still didn't unlock the door.
"You think I'm crazy?" He asked softly. His eyes suddenly lost their sparkle, and a menacing smile laid itself on his lips. "I have nothing to lose. If I can't have you, then I want to die. But i'm taking you and my child with me."

Before she could stop him, he had put the car in drive. All the people on the beach watched in horror as the car holding the pair tore off the edge of the cliff and plummeted into the water below.



HAHAHA! I had you there ;) this is super short and fragmented but I hope you enjoyed the drama! I'm sorry I've not updated much, I've not been feeling myself lately and I wanted to focus on getting myself happy again :) I hope you understand. Please leave me comments on what you thinks gonna happen!! Will she die? Will he die? Will she lose the baby? Will she tell her dad she's pregnant? I want your ideas!! Or just let me know how you are- I miss chatting with you all!

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