Chapter I: Hush

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Warning: This story is depressing, may trigger some people, has to deal with depression, self harm, rape, abuse, cursing, Ect. If you can't handle it please don't read! I don't want to offend or hurt anyone. Read at your own risk!

Also this story is still in editing so I may change here a few small things here and there, but here's teaser chapters for you guys so I can have your input on it.

If it gets out of hand tell me I've never made a story like this. Thank you everyone! Enjoy~


"Shut the fuck up!"
"You're useless!"
"I wish you were never born!"
"Kill yourself you useless piece of shit!"
"I regret ever having you."
"This is all your fault!"
"You're such a waste of space! Why can't you die already?"

"Kill yourself die die die!"

You cringed. Those words were constantly repeated over and over again. You were sick of them. Almost every single day you continued to hear those evil words spat at you, over and over and over again. Every time you talked, you were slapped. You opened your mouth and you were kicked to the ground and beaten. Duct tape was placed on your mouth. Your hands were bound together, sometime your feet, and you were left there to get out yourself while he has his friends over and gambled. Constant laughter, constant anger, constant negative emotions bottling up inside for you could not speak of them.

You could hear everything from your simple apartment. Right down the hall was the smell of cigarettes and beer seeping from the crack in your door from where he punched a hole. Watching silently from your room, you could see the shadows of the large men on the hallway wall, laughing. Psychotic laughter from old, drunk men. It was a surprise that neighbors didn't complain, though they may have been doing the same thing. You didn't know much about anything from outside the apartment. He "homeschooled" you, though most lessons ended with smashing against a part of your body and him angrily locking yourself inside your room.

Your forced your thin, pale, fragile body to the clouded window across the room. Your bed sat beneath it, so you can relax and watch outside. Watch everyone live their normal lives outside of their home. You heard your stomach begging for food, but as usual you ignored it. You couldn't eat. He drugged the food sometimes, you never knew when. You could only eat when he went into work. But right now, he was with his buddies. Probably smoking pot, shooting up heroin... Only God knew what the hell he was doing. You, a simple girl being only sixteen had to put up with such a horrible man who claimed to be your father.

The sound of loud footsteps caught your attention. Your head perked up to see the awful creature stumbling drunk down the hallway and right towards your room. You frowned and closed the curtains over the Windows. No one needed to watch this. No one needed to know. What happened in this room, stayed in the room. His buddies laughter echoed throughout the apartment as he opened the door and slammed it shut behind him, quickly chugging what was left of the beer in his hand.

"Alright bitch." He spat, trudging over to you. Yaag was his name. Yaag Rosch. He hated you. He wanted you dead. When he was close enough, he had the neck of the bottle gripped tightly in his hand before he lifted it high into the air and smashed it right against the side of your head. You cried out, falling to the floor and holding your head in pain as you felt the blood seep through your fingers and drip down your hand. You felt dizzy. The whole room was moving in a blur as you felt someone flipping you over to your back. You couldn't focus on what was going on, for you were slipping in and out of consciousness with no will to fight back. There was no use to even try, for you couldn't focus on anything. You couldn't stop him from doing what he wanted.

You let out a whimper of fear, letting the tears fall down your face.

"Hush! Do not speak!" Was his response.

You kept silent. The silence that stayed with you every day. The silence that erupted through out the room until Yaag laughed with pleasure. Your head was too dizzy to understand exactly what was going on, but you had an idea. It was obvious. Wasn't it?

Before long you were alone again. Alone with the silence that filled the room. They had all passed out now, drunk, unconscious. Silence once again.

You were cold. Nothing kept you warm. You dragged yourself onto to your bed for you had no energy to simply stand. With much effort you pulled yourself onto the bed and hid underneath the thin covers. You hid away from everything. You tried to hide from everyone.

You cradled your non-dominant arm against you, feeling the scars with your thumb. You just wanted this nightmare to end. Curling into a tight ball you squeezed your eyes shut, letting the tears stream down your face in eerie silence.

You never opened those curtains again.

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