Chapter XII: Night

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Why did you have to go with him? Why did you think that was a good idea? Did you not want to draw attention? Were you scared at the time? What was wrong with you? You just caused trouble for everyone including yourself. You made your friends skip school so they could save your sorry ass. You injured Roxas' fists from him punching Yaag so hard. You just caused pain and suffering because you didn't say "no." How did he get out of jail anyway? How did he know where you were?

You slammed your head against the wall trying to prevent all these thoughts from entering your mind. You kept staring out your window from inside your room, trying so hard to distract yourself and trying so hard to focus on the twinkling stars. However, it didn't work. All you could think about was him. Despite the fact that he was back in jail, you just couldn't shake off the feeling that he was there, watching you from outside the window. You quickly closed the curtains and jumped for your bed, huddling in the corner with your knees pressed against your chest. Your whole body shook violently with fear.

Sora and Vanitas were talking with their parents downstairs, so for once they weren't there to comfort you. However that's exactly what you needed... You needed comfort. You dug your face into your knees and cried as quietly as you could in case they heard you from downstairs. You wanted to get out of here. You needed to go for a run or something... Anything to clear your mind. But how were you going to escape the house without getting caught?

You opened your curtains again and then opened your window. You peered downward to see if you could jump down. The drop was too far, if you jumped you would have broken your ankles or legs. However, there were vines growing on the side of the house. You could get out, but you might not be able to get back in. Which was fine, you could wait until Zack and Aerith left for work before coming back into the house. You'd much rather deal with Sora and Vanitas than an adult.

You slipped out of the window and used the vines to keep yourself from slipping. As you descended downwards as quickly as you could, the vines began to snap from your weight. The last few feet of the drop you were forced to fall and land for the vines just couldn't support you for much longer. You landed on your feet and fell just as the vines fell before you. You let out a sigh of relief before forcing yourself to stand and walk away from the house. You made your way to the park since there was a nice pond there, where you could sit and relax and maybe skip some rocks and try to relax.

It didn't take long for you to run to the park. You panted heavily because you ran without any second thoughts and didn't stop until you reached your destination. Your eyes darted in the way of the pond and you continued to walk towards it. You collapsed on the ground and gave your pounding heart a rest as you tried to slow your breathing down. Even though you were exhausted, it was worth it considering you were only focused on how exhausted you were instead of Yaag. 

You looked to the pond, listening to the crickets chip and the pond water settling before another object disturbed it. Letting out a breath you crossed your legs and placed your hands in front of you, feeling a slight breeze forming. Your hair blew in your face and it covered your sight for a moment. You brushed your hair back just in time to see a figure sitting down beside you. You jumped for a moment and backed away a bit before the person grabbed your hand.

'It's just me. It's okay." Riku reassured you.

You relaxed and went back to your original position and sat in the grass while Riku got comfortable. He was only about a foot away from you, and you could smell the scent of cologne considering the direction of the wind. He wore simple jeans and a T-shirt and he seemed to calm and comfortable sitting beside you. You remembered Kairi and Namine mentioning how he was crushing on you, so you wondered if you met him here by coincidence? Or had he stalked you outside your window and followed you? You turned to look at him, and he smirked.

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