Chapter XIX: Invite

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The carnival was coming up by the end of the day. It was Saturday, and it was time to reveal the surprise you've been keeping for a while now. The Carnival started at five o clock at night and ended around one in the morning. Currently it was only ten o clock, and you and Zack were the only two people awake in the household. Zack told you to have his sons text all your friends when they were awake so have them come over so you could reveal your surprise. You shook your head and wanted to just knock on their doors and invite them yourself, since you had nothing better to do until five and a walk would be very nice. Zack agreed and let you go on your way.

You only knew where Kairi, Namine, and Axel lived so you decided to head there first. The weather was perfect for jeans and a sweatshirt, in which you shoved your hands in the pockets on your jacket and walked down the sidewalk and tried to hurry to your friends house. You were getting excited and wanted to get there as soon as possible, even though the birds chirping and the slight breeze was nice and peaceful. However, before long you got to their house and knocked on the door and the oldest of the siblings had answered. He smiled when he saw you and instantly hugged you.

"Awe look at you coming here by yourself!" Axel exclaimed. "How are you? Come on in."

He retreated back into the house and was wearing black skinny jeans, a red shirt, and some handkerchief around his neck. You watched him enter his kitchen and sit at the table while you closed the door behind you.

"My sisters went to buy breakfast since mom is working. Dad is here but he's lazy as fuck and is still sleeping."

You giggled and went to sit across the table from him. He was so tall and to match his sitting height you sat on your legs. Even then you were still short and you crossed your arms and gave him a look. "You're tall."

"Just a few inches away from six feet angel." He cooed. "So what's up? Are you here for a good time or do you need something?"

"I wanted you to come over around four." You told him. "You and your sisters. Is that okay?"

Axel laughed. "If that's all you needed you could have called. But sure we can do that, none of us are doing anything tonight. We were gonna go to that carnival tonight but I'm poor and can't afford to pay for my sisters, and mom and dad have some debt to pay. It sucks but if you wanna party at your house that's cool."

You blinked. "Debt?"

Axel laughed nervously. "Well..."

"Axel pour me some coffee quick please!"

Axel seemed eager to avoid the debt subject as he jumped up to pour the coffee. You watched his dad come down the stairs with a suit on and a pair of sunglasses on top of his head. When he saw you, he smiled and waved.

"Hello, I don't think I know you. Axel do you finally have a girlfriend?"

"Dad stop!" Axel's face grew red as he handed his father the coffee. "She's just a friend to see your wonderful children."

His father nodded towards you. "You can call me Reno. Don't be formal, please it's awkward and weird when people call me Mr."

You smiled. "Okay Reno."

Reno chugged the coffee down and put the cup into the sink before grabbing a briefcase that sat beside the door. "I have to go into work now I was called in early. See you kids later!"

You waved goodbye as he quickly left the house. Axel sat back down and rested his head inside his hands. "He's like a bodyguard and an investigator, so he's called in randomly a lot in case of emergencies."

"Ohh." You said.

Axel stood up once more and walked around the table in your direction. He knelt down and placed a hand on the back of your chair and got his face close to yours, smirking.

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