Chapter XXV: Change

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"Yo let's have hot coco at my place." Sora turned around and walked backwards while everyone left their snow destruction behind at the park.

Roxas nodded in agreement. "But first I'm stopping by home. I'm soaked. I'd feel bad if I dragged snow into your parents house."

There was a chorus of agreement from the other boys, and Sora smiled. "That's okay. I'd have to ask if we even have hot chocolate anyway. I'll call and let you know!"

Everyone waved their goodbyes and went on their way. You followed Sora back to the house, where he opened the door and took off his shoes to leave at the front of the door. You followed his example and took off your snow clothes. When you were finished, you looked up towards the kitchen as you heard quiet chatter. Zack and Aerith were whispering to each other at the kitchen table, talking as if they were trying not to wake someone up.

"Mom dad do we have hot chocolate?" Sora approached his parents and sat down beside his father, looking at him with enthusiasm.

Zack looked to his wife, who exchanged a worried glance. He turned back to his youngest son, then gave him a forced smile.

"I'm not quite sure. Why don't you look around for some?"

You could tell something was wrong by their facial expressions and the way the couple kept looking at each other. They watched their son jump up and rummage through cabinets, and when they assumed he wasn't paying attention they turned back to each other and began to whisper again. You frowned and snuck up the stairs, deciding to ask Vanitas if he knew what was going on. You knocked on the door to make sure he wasn't changing. When he didn't answer, you slowly opened the door and realized he was still sleeping.

Once you stepped into the room, Vanitas moaned and rolled over. "Sora if you're doing some stupid shit I'm going to shove you into the fridge."

You giggled. "It's just me."

Vanitas sat up, his hair sticking all over the place. He yawned and got out of bed when he realized it was only you. "Hey. Need something?"

He turned on the light as you answered. "Zack and Aerith are talking about something. They seemed worried."

Vanitas froze with his hands still on the light switch. "Is that why I heard mom getting upset...?"

You both looked at each other, then got the same idea to try to listen in at the top of the stairs. At the moment Sora was running up the stairs to grab his phone and call his friends to come over, which made it easier to listen to Zack and Aerith's conversation from downstairs. But you could barely hear them when you entered the house, let alone from upstairs.

"... I don't... But she's comfortable..."

"She won't adjust... Should we do it?"

"I don't want to... The boys..."

You turned to Vanitas, who shrugged and frowned. "They're talking about you." He whispered quietly.

You nodded your agreement. "Can we just confront them?"

Vanitas let out a sigh, but then got to his feet. "Might as well."

You followed him down the stairs and Vanitas immediately got to his point, demanding to know what they were talking about. Aerith burst into tears and Zack frowned, turning to you.

"Merry Christmas... You're getting adopted."

Your eyes went wide as you turned towards Vanitas again. He too seemed surprised as his mouth opened and he stared at his father. You didn't know what to think. Someone was adopting you? Permanently? How were you supposed to react? You enjoyed living with this family. They made you happy, you were comfortable here. You didn't really want to leave. What if you weren't so lucky with the new adoptive family?

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