Chapter XVII: Story

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Without even realizing it, you had drifted off to sleep during the last part of the movie. When you had woken up, you realized you were all snuggled up into your bed with the blankets up to your chin and a sleeping Riku on the floor... As well as a sleeping Ventus. The sun was just barely making its entrance when you saw them. Did everyone decide to spend the night? Even so it didn't matter since it was the weekend, which made you wonder who else decided to spend the night. As quietly and carefully as you could, you crept out of your bed and down the stairs and made sure not to disturb the sleeping boys. When you reached the bottom of the stairs, you peeked around the corner to see who was on the couch.

Kairi and Namine were both asleep on the couch, and when you saw no one else downstairs you assumed they were in Sora and Vanitas' room. Just as you were about to head back upstairs, you heard a knock on the door. You stopped dead in your tracks, wondering who was knocking so early in the morning. Maybe Zack or Aerith was locked out of the house or something. So you made your way towards the door as the knocks turned into impatient pounding.

You opened the door and saw an older man standing before you. Your eyes went wide with fear when you saw who it was. When you were little, you remembered calling him "Baldy" for he was that typical beer bellied, old and bald man who's teeth were crooked and rotting and looked like he hadn't shaved in years. You also remembered him as your fathers "friend" who was constantly filled with laughter when he was drunk... Or constantly filled with anger. He shoved you into the house and you stumbled to the floor as he stormed in and slammed the door behind him. You looked behind you and realized that both Kairi and Namine were gone. Did they run and hide?

"You sent my friend back to jail you little bitch." He spat as he grabbed you by the front of your shirt and held you up. "Despicable. Pathetic. Fuck you. Do you know what it's like to lose a friend?! Do you?!"

You glared. "Do you know what it's like to not have any?!" You snapped right back.

He snickered and threw you to the floor once more. After you collided with the ground, he pinned you down and lifted a threatening fist. "Oh look the little brat is finally talking. I liked it better when you didn't!"

You screamed and tried to squirm out of the way, but his arm was too strong and it was too late to block his oncoming fist. Your eyes squeezed shut as your ear piercing screams filled the room.

"{Y/N}! Hey! It's okay wake up!"

Your eyes shot opened as tears were streaming down your face. You were panting heavily, hardly able to breathe. You just couldn't manage to breathe normally and you coughed and cried some more as you were flustered by your horrible dream.

A pair of arms wrapped around you, but by your own instinct you shoved the person away. They fell off your bed and fell to the floor, and when you realized what you done, you cries grew louder.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry." You sobbed, grabbing your pillow and shoving your face into it.

Vanitas had gotten up from the floor and got to his feet, but he didn't come closer to you. You heard him sigh through your loud cries as he sat on the end and the very edge of your bed.

"You must not be hungry." He said quietly. "Sora wanted to make you breakfast. We're both missing school for you so if you need us, we'll be here. You can talk when you're ready."

You lifted your face from the pillow so he could hear you speak. "I don't think I'll ever get away from my past." You spluttered as you used your hand to wipe your face.

"You will." Vanitas assured you. "It's only been a few months. I don't know exactly what you've been through, but certain things affect people differently. And from what I saw with your father when he basically kidnapped you, you won't be getting over that too quickly."

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