Lizzie x Daring

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"OFF WITH ITS VOICE!" Lizzie Hearts mumbled into her pillow in the morning.

"Pirouette's just making sure we get up Liz," Lizzie's roommate Duchess Swan said. Lizzie groaned. Duchess's trumpeter swan, Pirouette, was a ROYAL PAIN. She was obnoxiously loud, and woke Lizzie up at hours in the morning she'd prefer to be asleep at. Like today. At 4:00 AM!!! This was a Royal Fairy Failure. 

"But it's 4:00 in the morning, Duchess," grumbled Lizzie.

"Yeah, so what?" Duchess shrugged and went into the bathroom to shower. Lizzie grabbed her pillow and shoved it over her head. But it didn't help block out Pirouette's obnoxious honking. Lizzie sighed and stumbled out of bed. She went into the bathroom and showered, then put on a pair of red jeans and a red shirt with tiny white hearts decorating it. She then put on black ballet flats that had red hearts on them. Finally she did her hair in a high ponytail and put on her makeup. She grabbed her purse and headed for the Castleteria for breakfast. 

But she'd forgotten that she been woke up at 4:00. So no one was there. No one except a tall blond, and rather vain prince. Lizzie inwardly groaned. Daring Charming was the most conceited boy in the school and she a hard time tolerating his excessive flattery to himself. He always had his face in a mirror, or sometimes, multiple mirrors, so if you wanted to tell him something, it usually took a while for him to tear his sight away from himself and onto whoever was trying to talk to him. 

But today something seemed, well, different, about him. Lizzie gasped when she realized what it was. He didn't have a mirror with him! Unfortunately though, her gasp caught the attention of the prince and he looked up from the table he'd been weirdly staring at. 

"Oh, hey Lizzie," he said then turned his attention back to the table. 

"Umm, hello. What in Ever After are you doing staring at a table?" Lizzie demanded. Daring shrugged.

"I had nothing else to do," he said and looked up at her. "Wanna sit and talk?" He offered. Lizzie slowly made her way over to him and sat down on the opposite side of his table. 

"So, why are you up early?" Daring asked her.

"Because that ridiculous swan that Duchess has won't keep its mouth shut in the morning!" Lizzie huffed. Daring gave her a sympathetic look. "Anyway, Daring, I have two questions for you." 

"Fire away," he said.

"One," Lizzie held up a finger. "Why are you up so early? And two," she held up two fingers." Why don't you have a mirror?" 

"Well, I'm up early because I was going to go workout in the Grimmnasium, but it was locked so I came here. And I don't have a mirror because last night, Darling confiscated all off them, even my hidden ones. She says I have to be less vain." he sighed and looked at the table. He picked at a rough spot with his finger. Then he looked up at Lizzie and something seemed to change in him. 

"What are you gawking at, you, you.." Lizzie couldn't think of a good insult.

"I'm not gawking at anything. I'm looking at the face off the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," he said.

Lizzie was shocked. Did he just basically tell her he liked her? She got her answer as Daring stood and walked over to her, leaned down and kissed her.

And Lizzie kissed him back. 

She finally knew what love was.

AN: This was a request by awesomemaniac. The next two will also be requests by one of my followers. Hope you enjoyed this story!


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