Ashlynn x Hunter

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"Oh! Which shoes to wear!" Ashlynn Ella cried out, and held up two pairs of shoes. Briar Beauty, her roommate, laughed and pointed to a pair. 

"The coral flats, definitely," Briar said. Ashlynn smiled and slipped them on. She had a date with her boyfriend, Hunter Huntsman, and she wanted to look her absolute best! She was wearing a pretty teal shirt, a pair of white jeans, and a coral headband that matched the flats. 

"Are you sure this looks alright?" Ashlynn asked skeptically, as she reached for her teal cross body purse.

"Of course! You look spellbinding girl!" Briar said as she rearranged her pillows on her bed. Ashlynn smiled. Brair always wanted her pillows to be perfect for any spontaneous naps she might slip into. Just then a knock sounded at the door. 

"That must be Hunter!" Ashlynn said and went to answer it. When she opened the door, there stood the son of the Huntsman. "Hey Hunter!" She said and hugged him.

"Hey Ash! You ready for our date?" Hunter asked as they broke away from the hug. Ashlynn nodded, and Hunter led her out. She waved goodbye to Briar as she walked away, but Briar was asleep!

Hunter took Ashlynn to the woods, where he had set up a little forest side picnic. Ashlynn gasped in delight as a tiny fawn came up to her and nuzzled it's velvety head against her hand. Ashlynn knelt down to pet it and didn't notice when thousands of fireflies delicately placed themselves on the trees and bushes surrounding their picnic until Hunter cleared his throat. Ashlynn looked up and placed her hand over her mouth. 

"It's beautiful Hunter!" She gushed. 

"Not as beautiful as you though, Ash," Hunter said softly. He walked over to her and cupped her face with his hand and gently kissed her. Ashlynn felt like her heart would explode with happiness.

This truly was the best night ever after. 

AN: Hope you like this chapter! This took me forever to write, but it was worth it! I think it turned out very well, but I'll let you decide! Thanks for reading! 


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