Bunny x Alistair

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"Bunny! Quit stashing your half-chewed veggies in my shoes!" Faybelle scolded, holding up a gnawed on carrot top. 

"Oopsie. I've been trying not to, it's just a bad habit. Sorry." The half-rabbit girl apologized, her nose twitching slightly.

Faybelle sighed. "Fine. I forgive you. This time!" The cheerhexer threatened for the millionth time. She never went through with her threats though. Bunny figured she had a soft spot, and maybe she wanted to be friends. But she'd never dare to voice her thoughts out loud.

"I'm heading to cheerhexing practice. Charm ya later," Faybelle said as she flew out the door. Bunny often wondered why she never took the window. She had wings after all. 

As Bunny got ready for her Saturday morning, her MirrorPhone started playing, "Wonderland" by Tailor Quick, which was her ringtone. She glanced at the caller ID, then answered hexcitedly.

"Hi Alistair! What's up?" Bunny asked, somewhat shyly. 

"Hey Bunny! Nothing much, just wanted to know if you might, I don't know, wanna hang out today? I mean, you don't have to if you have plans already, but, if you're free," he quickly said. Bunny but her lip and smiled into the phone. She knew he couldn't see it, but she smiled anyway. 

"Sure, that sounds fun. I'm free all day. What did you have in mind?" 

"Well, um, the Book End public pool has free admission today. Wanna go swimming?" 

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan. What time do you want to meet up?" Bunny said, trying to contain her nervous hexcitement. 

"Meet me at the front door in fifteen minutes, ok?" He asked.

"Great! See you then! Bye Alistair!" Bunny hung up the phone. She quickly grabbed her black-and-white messenger bag and stuffed a mint green and baby pink tankini in it, along with sunscreen and a carrot print towel. She changed out of her pj's into white denim shorts and a mint tank top. She shoved her feet in her white flip-flops, and slid a mint headband in her white hair. She tossed her dorm key in her bag and walked out the door.

When she stepped outside, Alistair was already waiting there.

"Hi again," she greeted, and waved to him.

"Hello to you too," he said, smiling. Bunny blushed. "Ready to get going?" Alistair asked.

"Yeah," she answered. 

They made small talk as they walked to the pool. When they got there, they spilt and went into the separate locker rooms. Bunny changed into her suit, slathered on some sunscreen, and grabbed her towel. Then she stashed her bag in a locker and walked out. Again, Alistair was waiting.

"I snagged some lounge chairs for us. They're right there." Alistair pointed to the pair of chairs her was referring to. Bunny tossed her towel on one and walked back to Alistair.

"Wanna take the easy way in?" He grinned and looked toward the water slide.

Bunny giggled then said, "Why not? Better than slowly getting in!" Alistair grabbed her hand and walked not ran, so as not to anger the lifeguards, to the slide. The two climbed the stairs, waiting periodically for others to move forward. Alistair held Bunny's hand the whole way up. 

"Ladies first," he said when it was finally their turn. Alistair released her hand, and Bunny sat down in the slide. She squealed as she landed in the chilly water. Alistair laughed. She smacked his leg.

"Don't laugh!" She faux pouted. Then the lifeguard said she could go, and she pushed off into the rushing currant. When she reached the bottom she held her nose and squeezed her eyes shut. Splash!

She surfaced, laughing then moved out of the way. Alistair came tumbling down a few moments later. He popped up, spluttering. Bunny giggled. He grinned at her, then grabbed her hand and lead her away from the slide, deeper into the pool. 

"Ok, so the real reason I brought you here is this. I really like you Bunny. I've liked you for a very long time now. Agh, who am I kidding? Hex, I love you, Bunny Blanc. I always have." Alistair was blushing big time. Bunny was a little shocked, then realized, she liked him back. She reached up and kissed him. He kissed back. When they broke apart, Bunny lightly splashed him, then said these sweet, simple words:

"I love you too, Alistair Wonderland."

 AN: Aww man I love this ship! All I have to say is, "dawwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!"

-AlohaGirl27 🤓🌺

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