Chapter 1: Back to Normal ( or as close as possible)

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I own none of the characters in this story. They are all J.K. Rowling's.

I'm really sorry if i don't upload very quickly 'cause i'm rubbish at that sort of thing but if you comment then it might remind me to.

Hope you like it!!!



“Ron, Harry, Hermione!” Mrs Weasly called their names up the stairs to get them up as she had done every morning for the past month since the battle, however for the first time in a month all three of them were already half way down the stairs instead of Mrs Weasly having to call for them at least eight times before they actually came downstairs and for once they weren’t completely consumed with exhaustion. In fact they were happy because for the first time in a long time they had no reason to be unhappy aside from loss they had experienced.

“Morning mum” Ron greeted Mrs Weasly as they entered the kitchen. Mrs Weasly jumped with shock when she heard his voice.

“Your…..your…..your all up?” She questioned not quite believing it.

“Yeah and very hungry.” Replied Harry as they sat down at the table and began eating.

“But how?” asked Mrs Weasly still not sure how they could possibly be sat there fully dressed and with smiles on their faces.

“Well we’ve finally caught up on sleep and like Harry said we’re very hungry.” Hermione explained.

“Yeah and one room can get very boring if you barely leave it for a month.” Ron managed to say in between shoving food in his mouth.

“Well it’s about time.” Mrs Weasly said, finally managing to pull herself together, “I just hope that whatever’s got you three up will get George to leave that apartment.”

“He still hasn’t left?” Hermione asked worriedly.

“Barely moved let alone left the place.” Mrs Weasly replied. “I’ve been taking food to him every day not that he actually eats any of it, anyway when I got there he was just sat staring at Fred’s bed the same way he has been ever since we came home and he was still like that when I left.” Mrs Weasly looked close to tears by the time she finished. Just then Ginny walked in and when she saw that Harry, Ron and Hermione were all up and dressed she just stopped in her tracks absolutely frozen, with her mouth hanging open and a look of pure and utter shock on her face.

“Good morning Ginny.” Hermione greeted her while Both Harry and Ron smiled at her. Ginny stayed staring at them for another ten seconds before she finally recovered from the shock of seeing them up and dressed.

“Morning, how come you’re all up?” She asked in response.

“Well we’re not absolutely exhausted anymore so we thought we should probably stop just sleeping day in, day out.” Harry answered.

“Well great, maybe you can help us plan Fred’s funeral now.” Ginny said looking incredibly downcast and at this Mrs Weasly broke down in tears.

“Oh! Mum please don’t cry I didn’t mean to upset you it’s just that, well it has to be done doesn’t it? So we may as well get it over with.” Ginny cried.

“Oh Ginny I know, I know it’s just that I can’t bare having to talk about because it just becomes more and more real.” Mrs Weasly said between sobs.

“I know mum, I know but it is real and we have to keep going because Fred wouldn’t have wanted all of us to just break down.” Ginny, who now had tears streaming down her own face.

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