Chapter 3: Hogwarts

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Once Fred's face had faded from the sky the guests started to leave and Ron and Ginny came back over to Hermione and Harry and they began to make their way back inside.

 "Ron, wait! Can I ask you something?" George called after them making them stop.

 "We'll see you inside." Hermione told him and Harry, Ginny and herself continued inside.

 "What's up George?" Ron asked him.

 "Well you see if I do decide to keep the shop open I don't really want to run by myself and it has to be another Weasley that helps run it because it's called Weasley Wizard Wheezes so I was wondering if you wanted to run the shop with me?" George asked.

 "So you are going to keep the shop running then?" Ron asked.

 "I guess so I mean it wont be the same without Fred but what else am I gonna do? So yeah I am." George said.

 "Then I would love to help run the shop with you." Ron told George.

 "Great! I'll take you down there tomorrow and show you how it all works. Now let's go and tell everyone the good news." George said smiling for the first time since Fred's death.

 When Ron and George walked into the living room of the Burrow everyone was sat talking amongst themselves so George cleared his throat and said;

 "We've got an announcement." Causing everyone to fall silent and look at them expectantly.

 "Ok well you see I've decided that I am going to keep the shop open but I don't want to run it alone so Ron here is going to run it with me." George announced causing everyone to clap and then George and Ron sat down while everyone else went back to their conversations.

 "Are you gonna go back to Hogwarts for your last year do think?" Ginny asked Harry, Ron and Hermione.

 "Well I would certainly like to it's whether I can really." Hermione said.

 "I dunno maybe like Hermione said depends whether I can." Harry said.

 "Same here really I mean I would like to so probably." Ron agreed.

 "But how are you gonna run the shop with George if you go back to Hogwarts, Ron?" Hermione asked.

 "Oh yeah, guess I didn't really think about that, well I think I'll just wait and see whether I actually can go back or not then figure out what I'm going to do." Ron mused.

 "I wonder who'll teach defence against the dark arts and who'll be head?" Ginny asked.

 "Well I reckon professor McGonagall will be headmistress but I've no idea who'll be defence against the dark arts professor." Hermione stated.

 "You're probably right about McGonagall." Harry agreed. Just then four owls flew in through the open window and stopped in front of Ron, Harry, Hermione and Ginny. They each took the letter from the owl in front of them and began opening them even though they already knew exactly what they were.

Dear Harry/Ron/Hermione,

It has been decided by the ministry that last year did not count so you are very welcome to return to Hogwarts and complete what would have been your seventh year as your eighth year instead and you may have some of your lessons with the new seventh years. If you do wish to return for your final year at Hogwarts there is a list of the supplies you will need enclosed.

Yours Sincerely

Headmistress M. McGonagall

"Well I guess we're going back to Hogwarts." Hermione said.

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