Chapter 4:The Truth About The War Comes Out (Part 1)

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I'm really really really really really sorry it's been a ridiculous amount of time since I last uploaded it's just that my laptop broke so I lost loads of the chapter and then I got really busy with school and I  got major writer's block but I eventually decided to split the chapter into two parts and just upload half way through it. Plus I break up for summer in a week so then I will have nine weeks to write and so I should have the second part up in a few weeks. Sorry again and please keep reading despite my in-continuity with updates.

Ginny xxx

Chapter 4: Part 1

As soon as the six friends stepped into the great hall whispers started to spread like wildfire and the stares got ten times worse. Luna who didn't seem to notice anything just gave Neville a quick peck on the cheek, said goodbye to the others and wandered off to sit with her friends from Ravenclaw, while all of the others, save for Harry, turned bright red and, casting around alot of nervous looks, hurried over to sit at the Gryffindor table.
They were sat there for about ten seconds befor Seamus and Dean slid down the bench, greeted them and started asking questions.
"Hey." Said Seamus, while Dean merely nodded after he took note of Harry's arm around Ginny's waist. After the various responses from Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione and Neville the questions started coming so fast that none of them had time to answer them.

"Where were you?"

"What were you doing?"

"Did you really break into Gringotts?"

"Did you really escape on a dragon?"

"Why did you just disappear?"

"Is it true you sneaked into the ministry and stole something of Umbridges?"

Then as both Dean and Seamus paused to take a breath and Harry saw Ron opening his mouth to answer one of the many questions, he suddenly became very aware of the people sat near to them and how quiet they had become.

"Wait!" He said before Ron could get a word out.

"What?" Ron asked, confusion written all over both his and Hermione's faces. In response Harry glanced around at the obvious eavesdroppers surrounding them. Realization dawned on them and Ron quickly shut his mouth. Dean and Seamus, along with the eavesdroppers, looked very disappointed.

"Maybe we should discuss what we're going to tell people before we start answering questions." Hermione suggested.

"Yeah," Harry agreed, "We'll discuss what to tell people tonight and then talk to McGonagall about how to tell people."

"Is there really that much to discuss? I mean what aren't we going to tell people?" Ron asked, not sure as to what really needed to be discussed.

"Oh really?" Hermione asked, raising one eyebrow. "I thought that you of all people would want to discuss what to tell people about what you did or did not do last year." Heavy implications, that only Harry, Ron and herself understood, were hidden behind her words.

"Point taken, we definitely need to discuss what to tell people." Ron now firmly agreed. Harry then turned to a rather disgruntled Seamus and Dean.

"We'll let you know more at dinner tomorrow OK?" He asked.

"Alright." Seamus agreed, more than slightly grudgingly.

*Several hours later in the room of requirement*

The golden trio sat around a fire repeating the same argument they had had at least twice before coming to the room of requirement.

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