Chapter 2: The Funeral

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When the four of them entered the apartment they were all completely stunned, for the apartment was a mess with objects and clothes scattered everywhere. They made their through the apartment in search of George until they found him sat staring at Fred’s bed just as Mrs Weasley had said. The bedroom was worse than the rest of the apartment put together; there clothes everywhere books, sweets, rotting food and various different objects covered the room, you could no longer see the carpet but however terrible the room looked it was nothing compared to the way George looked. He clearly hadn’t slept or eaten at all since returning from Hogwarts a month ago and he was in desperate need of a wash and change of clothes. Ron stepped forward.

“George?” He asked as if unsure if he should speak or not. George’s eyes briefly flickered in Ron’s direction but then immediately went back to Fred’s unmade, empty bed. Ginny then went over and sat by him on is bed.

“Look George you need to have shower, change your clothes and have something to eat because we have something we need to talk to you about or rather we have something we need to ask you so why don’t go and do that while we try to tidy this place up a bit ok?” She asked. George then turned to face her;

“He’s gone Ginny, he’s gone and you want me to just keep going as if nothing has happened?” George said in a voice that was so faint only Ginny could hear him.

“No of course I don’t want you to keep going as if everything’s fine but you do have to keep going I mean he wouldn’t want you to just give up on life would he? He would want you to mourn him for awhile but then move on and live your life so you go and have a shower while we tidy up.” Ginny told him, the last bit quite firmly.

“But…” George began but was cut off by Ginny.

 “No buts just do it.”

However George seemed incapable of moving by himself so Ron walked over and helped him up while he just stared off into space.

“George!” Ginny said sharply which made George jump and jerk his head round to face her but still just stared at her blankly.

“Go and take a shower George.” Ron said a bit softer than Ginny had.

“He’s right George you have to go and clean yourself up and then we have something very important to talk to you about.” Hermione said quietly, speaking for the first time since walking into the room. At this George finally walked out of the room and headed towards the bathroom.

“Did you really need to be so sharp with him Ginny? He’s going through a rough time at the moment, heck that’s an understatement.” Ron said to Ginny.

“Well it worked didn’t it.” Ginny shot back.

“Actually I think you’ll find that George didn’t actually go and take a shower until Hermione spoke to him.” Harry interjected, walking over to stand beside Ginny.

“You’re meant to be on my side!” Ginny accused while Ron laughed quietly under his breath.

“Stop arguing guys we’ve got a lot of work to do here.” Hermione cut in while looking around the room.

“Work?” The three of them asked looking slightly perplexed.

“Yes work we have to tidy this place up it’s in a right state.” Hermione told them.

“Oh well since I’m still underage I can’t really help so I’ll leave you three to it.” Ginny said, sitting back down on the bed.

“Oh no you can help the muggle way without magic.” Hermione told her firmly.

“What!? But that’s so much harder!” Ginny whined while Ron and Harry burst out laughing.

“Well that’s really too bad because you are going to help.” Hermione told her. “And you two can stop laughing and get to work.” She told Harry and Ron which made them groan in unison.

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