Chapter 5: The Truth About The War Comes Out (Part 2)

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As the food began to disappear the golden trio stood up once more, gesturing for Ginny, Neville and Luna to go with them. Once they reached the platform at the front all of the food had disappeared and everyone had turned to face them.

"Ok, right, well we had just finished going through our fourth year so lets start with our fifth year." Harry said and nodded for them to raise their hands. As he looked around the great hall he was shocked to see that Draco Malfoy had raised his hand. This was the first time that any Slytherin had raised their hand, before they had all just sat and listened.

"Yes?" He asked, gesturing to Draco.

"For those of us who don't know," He motioned to the Slytherins around him, "What exactly was the D.A.?" It was only when Harry saw a fair few heads nodd in agreement, not just Slytherins, that he realised how few had actually fully known about it.

"It was a club where I taught defense against the dark arts because Umbridge wasn't. I'm sorry to any of you who didn't get the opportunity to join but we couldn't risk Umbridge finding out which meant that we couldn't tell anyone who we didn't know well enough to trust." Lots of people nodded in understanding at this so Harry moved on and pointed to a Ravenclaw who looked like he was in the year below them.

"Why did you guys go to the Deapartment of Mysteries in the first place?"

"Erm....we were under the impression that Voldemort had Sirius, was torturing and going to kill him." Harry quickly chose someone else, not wanting to go into detail about the visions he was having.

"What happened once you got to the Department of Mysteries?" A fifth year Gryffindor asked.

"It's complicated." Harry said, turning to smile at the others. "Once we arrived, we came across a prophecy that the Death Eaters wanted and once I picked it up they all apparated in front of us, when I wouldn't give it to them they started to attack us, so we ran and ended up separated. Hermione, Neville and I went one way and Ron, Ginny and Luna went another. Cutting a long story short, we were in quite a dire situation when Sirius, Lupin, Moody, Kingsley and a women called Tonks, I don't know if you all know who she is, all showed up and the fighting started again. This was when Sirius was killed by Bellatrix Lestrange and the prophecy was smashed."

"How did you get to the Department of Mysteries?" A Hufflepuff asked. Harry turned to Luna at this point.

"Thestrals." Was all she said.

"" The Hufflepuff asked, not really understanding.

"We rode on thestrals from the forest." Then she pointed to a fellow Ravenclaw.

"Does that mean you could all see thestrals then?" 

"No and it was bloody terrifying." Ron interjected, Ginny and Hermione both quickly nodded in agreement, making a few people chuckle. After a few more questions about their fifth year they quickly moved onto their sixth year, about which there weren't that many questions.

"Yes?" Harry asked, pointing to a Gryffindor.

"How did the Death Eaters actually  get into the castle?" Harry turned to look at Ron and Hermione, who just shrugged, because when discussing it earlier none of them had known how they should answer, so Harry then turned to look at Draco, who nodded and then stood up.

"I let them in through a vanishing cabinet I had spent the year fixing." There were cries of outrage, much like when Ginny had told them about opening the chamber but this time Harry managed to get everyone quiet and once he had he began to speak.

"Look, I'm not going to defend what Draco did, however I will say that he was caught in a very dangerous situation. His parents had fallen out of favour with Voldemort after the incident with the prophecy and if Draco had not agreed to do it then Voldemort would have killed him and his parents. Furthermore Voldemort had also asked Draco to kill Dumbledore but Draco did not."

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