chapter 2:post apocalypse: plans for the sleep over.

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The rest of my day was filled with canceling , replacing, and delaying interviews for my big fight. I needed some time alone , just to think.

In the next six months I am going to be in Atlanta for  naga, battle of the dojo's, and my FUFCS debut. Winning my debut fight could a sure me a spot in the UFC when I am ready.

But there is one twist. The girl I am fighting is the daughter of the founder of FUFCS. PLUS she is us
e to fighting at bantam weight (130—136lb) , she '5"10,and her dad has been training her from since she was able to walk.

On the other hand , I've been training from age 10, I'm use to fighting at lig (150—170lb), I'm '5"2 ,my mom is dead and my dad is deployed in Iraq.

I really don't like those odds, but tonight through Monday morning I'm just going to let loose and have some fun.

The day went fast and  before I knew it my guests had arrived. Jaden pushed the door open and the electronic door made a small beep sound. Tanya , shaquan , quinn,and orhyle soon followed.

'Where is Carlisle ?'I asked ignoring the fact that 5 people just walked in and said good afternoon.

'Gosh!! It hasn't been a minute yet and I'm already sick to my stomach'. Quinn said as he moved a bunch of unopened fan mail from on the couch.

'I see you have gotten more popular.' Shaquan said with fake smile on his face.

(A month ago shaquan would be the one getting hundreds of fan mail a day, so I guess he is just a bit jealous)

Carlisle entered the room and broke up the tension.'hey boo.' He said as he walked over to kiss me.

'Hey you ',I replied.

Everyone grabbed a seat in the living room and I began to talk. 'I have some rules :

1. My dad's gun and trophi room is off limits, as well as Gabriella's room. In all there are 12rooms. But only six are fully furnished. Take away papí's and gabriella's rooms , and we're left with four. Jaden and orhyle will take jaden's room, quinn can take the room next to theirs which is connected by bathroom. Me and Carlisle can share my roo.....

I was cut off by the feeling of eyes boring into my skin. I looked up from going through my fan mail and saw that every one was staring at me.

'What ?' I asked a bit embarrassed
Quinn began to laugh and the others returned to their phones.

'I thought you had one rule?'Tanya said smiling and winking at me.

'Which is?'I asked still blushing .

'No one sleeps in your bed but you?' Tanya said winking at carlisle.

'Oh my goshhh!!' I said screaming at tanya and hitting Carlisle.

'I  have a mattress under my bed' I said looking back down at my fan mail.
Carlisle emediately stop laughing and looked shock.

I rummaged through my fan mail and saw a letter that looked interesting. It had an army print envelope and was cealled down with a boxing glove. I opened it and saw that it was from Sgt.Gabriel mendez ,my dad ,it read:

To my loving daughter and son:
My baby girl amyke was born on December seventh 2001. I was at war that day , and I received the message a week later of a 4 lbs, 2 ounces ,premature baby girl and became extremely depressed. On the seventh day of the last month of 2001 , I took the life of 40 men with a bomb, while my only daughter was being born. My best friend, the late lance ,corporal, Ryder beck was shot in the head by a Taliban sniper and died immediately. On top of that four months later my request for leave was denied and I remember my captain's words clearly .'Mendez if you leave now don't ever expect to come back!' My captain said.'that's  a chance I'm willing to take'. I replied and saluted my now former captain.
I returned to America to see my baby girl. Unfortunately  my baby girl only weighed 7lb. The doctor said at the rate you were gaining weight you would die at about age 4 tops.....

I began to cry and shake. Everyone looked up slowly and was in shock. 'What's wrong ? 'Quinn asked rubbing my back. I handed him the letter and everyone but Carlisle surrounded him. They read the letter as I buried my head into Carlisle's chest.

I couldn't continue to read the letter. I felt depress and I wanted to call off the sleep over , but it was too late, the alarm was already set.

I must had fallen asleep because when I woke up I saw bright lights coming from the living room. I walked down  the stairs rubbing my eyes. I saw Carlisle and the rest of the gang playing GTA.

I saw quinn elbow Carlisle in his side and he looked back.
'Good morning sun shine' he said sarcastically since it was still night. He paused the game and walked over to kiss me.

We walked over to where they were all seated and took a seat near Carlisle. We ate frozen pizzas ,drank some sodas and beers and soon enough everyones favorite part began. We watched drag me to hell, it, liliath and mamaI looked towards the east of me and Carlisle and saw shaquan and Tanya snuggling. It hurt me. To me, he was a little too friendly with the girls in his class.(but that's non of my business). I looked towards the west and saw quinn snuggling with his blanket. Everyone was half asleep but responsive .

Carlisle looked around and began to kiss my neck . I got scared, I've never done this before. He grabbed my hand and we passed by shaquan and Tanya. Shaquan grabbed his pants leg and winked. Quinn began to laugh and I began to blush.

I was practically dragged up the stairs by Carlisle. He opened my bed room door and we began to kiss again. He gently pushed my body against door and pressed up against me. I felt his p**is harden. He dead locked the door and we slowly made our way toward the bed. He pushed me down on the bed and we began to kiss again. He took off his shirt and I saw his six pack.

'Amm ammmm' was the only thing I managed to get out between kisses.

'Shhh, just let me do this.'Carlisle said as he took off my shirt.

His kisses went  up and down my body . I was scared , I was shaking but that didn't stop the movement of his hip against my inner thigh.

I remembered something that my former school often protested safe sex.

'Carlisle' I said trying to push his body off of me. He didn't hear and continued the act.

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