Chapter Six

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Finn's POV.

I felt like my heart shattered when she told me that she's in love with someone else. I don't blame her, I was with someone else when she probably started liking that person but what hurt the most is the fact that that person is not me. I should've told her from the beginning. Of course it was not love at first sight since I don't believe in that but I knew that she was different. I was hoping that my confession wouldn't change anything between us and make it all awkward so I was going to handle it the right way.

'And you never mentioned it to me? I mean, I'm the captain of the football team, I could've gotten him to go on his knees for you with a snap of a finger.' She let a small giggle leave her and nodded her head.

'Ill take that into consideration.' She opened the car door and looked through the window, waving at me. I waved back and drove home quietly. For the first time in years, I didn't open the radio because I wanted silence. I wanted to think. If Rachel thinks I'm going to let go that easily, she's wrong. I'll show her the side of me she's never seen and I know that she'll instantly love it. Maybe watching chick flicks with her got me to learn what she liked and disliked, which was an advantage. I unlocked the door and walked in slowly, hoping not to wake my mum up. I silently closed it and turned back just to be frightened.

'Where have you been? Quinn called and I thought you were with her. You never mentioned the break up.' I sighed and kissed her cheek before heading to the kitchen. My mum followed me around like a lost puppy.

'We went to the beach.' I said as I made myself a cheese sandwich.

'We? Who's we?' My mum's little figure wandered around the house as she looked at me with curiousity.

'Rachel and I.' I spoke with a mouth full of food, something my mum hated me doing.

'Oh.' She whispered and smiled.

'Is something wrong, mum? I'm sorry for not mentioning anything.'

'No, it's not that. It's Rachel.'

'What's wrong with Rachel?' I said as I raised my eyebrows.

'I have a bad feeling about her.'

'But mum, you met her and you were totally fine with her for the past few months. What happened?'

'Quinn told me-'

'Of course she did, she had to ruin everything. What made you think that it's actually true?' I looked at her deep green eyes and wondered how my eyes turned brown after her green and my dad's blue eyes. Bad heritage, probably.

'Finn, you cheated on her.'

'I did not, please believe me.' I sounded desperate but that was mainly because I didn't want her to go against me. Rachel was the only one who actually believed the fact that I didn't cheat on Quinn and that was because the rumor was that I cheated on Quinn with HER. I sighed as I sat on the couch with my hands in my hair. My mum sat next to me and massaged my back.

'Do you like Rachel? Like, more than just a friend?'

'No.' I quietly whispered and turned my gaze towards hers.

'I don't believe Quinn and I don't believe you either. Right now, you've got them both and you have to be smart and fond of who you choose because the other person who you decide to leave might never want to come back.' She gave my head a little push and walked to her room, leaving me alone with so many thoughts in my head.


It was a perfect day. Not too hot and not too cold, it was warm and it made me feel comfortable and relaxed. I stopped at the school's parking lot and spotted Sam, one of my close friends. His hair had been spiked up today, showing off his dyed platinum blonde hair, which looked oddly darker than the usual.

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