Chapter Twelve

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Finn's POV.

'We need to talk.' I knew something was wrong because Kurt never came in my room. We both made a deal to pretend like we didn't live in the same house because Kurt didn't want people up his business just to come and hang out with me. I just went with it because Kurt talks way too much anyway. I nodded my head and he closed the door before siting on my bed. This must be serious. The last time he closed the door and sat on my bed, was to tell me that Marley died. I was devastated because Marley was the best dog ever and because she reminded me of my dad, not that I entirely remember him but at least she did. I turned around in my chair and nodded again, telling him to start. He sighed before looking at me.

'Is something going on between you and Rachel?' He asked, raising his eyebrows. He knows something and I'm not sure whether I want to lie or just fess up.

'Not really, I mean, we mess around and -'

'She really likes you, Finn.' Kurt said with the same look on his face. I felt my cheek turn hot and I couldn't help but smile. She liked me?

'Well, I really like her too.' I confessed and that's when he smiled, removing that look from his face.

'I'm not trying to ruin your day or anything but you can't be with her anymore, if you guys are together anyway.... Are you?' He asked.

'Why can't I be with her anymore? -Woah dude, you like her?' I pressured on the word like because since I met him, I knew he had a thing for guys.

'No, what!? Dude, no. Ew, oh my god. She's a good friend but what the hell?' He let out a disgusted look and I couldn't help but smile.

'Don't call her that.' I quietly demanded.

'So tell me, are you guys....together?' He whispered the word together. Was he afraid of something? I didn't exactly know how to answer that question myself. Were we? 'I mean, I asked Rachel but she never answered. She told me its confidential information.' He scoffed after saying that and it sounded a lot like Rachel.

'I don't know, I mean, we never confirmed anything.... We hang out a lot and stuff.... I don't know.' I couldn't believe that I felt nervous at the thought of Rachel. Kurt smiled so big that he was officially freaking me out.

'That's all?' Kurt seemed shocked but he knew I was hiding something.

'Pretty much.' If Rachel wanted to keep things confidential then that's what I'll do. He shook his head and dropped his head.

'You need to tell me the complete truth, Finn. Otherwise I won't exactly be able to help you.'

'Help me? I don't need your -'

'You do need my help, you just don't know it. Answer me, Finn,' Kurt interrupted me and I knew he didn't come here to play questionnaire. 'Is that all you guys do?'

'I mean, we cuddle sometimes and I take her out but we never consider them as dates, you know? We you know.' I scratched the back of my head and decided to leave the sentence like that. Both of his eyebrows went up and he glared at me.

'Also what?' Kurt asked and I didn't know why was it so hard to say something. I'd usually blurt things out but it was different with her.

'I mean, we kiss sometimes too.' I shyly whispered and his face broke into a grin.

'Was that so hard?' He asked and his grin just kept becoming bigger if that was even possible.

'Shut up. Now, my confession... How's it going to help you?' I asked with a confused look.

'Oh, that's right. About that....' He trailed off and suddenly stopped. He looked around and I felt scared. Is Rach okay?

'Kurt, you're scaring me.' I stated and he nodded then sighed.

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