Ch. 22

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The picture is a cover made by -iqxahx. The next picture will also be by her. Thank you!

Time skip~

I stumble over a tree branch, watching Jaxon and Mason in front of me looking crazy graceful. Meanwhile Ive almost died like, seventeen times and I can still see the pack house. I rush to catch up to the boys who are starting to leave me behind. I trip again and when I look up, they're gone. I look around and cant see anything but trees anymore. I stand up and lean against a tree, shaking my head. Suddenly, Jaxon comes walking towards me and I'm filled with relief. I smile at him as he comes closer. He gets about an inch away from my face and my heart starts fluttering rapidly. He leans in and my eyes shut as our lips touch. The kiss is slow and gentle before he pulls away. My eyes open and I jump back against the tree. I see Blake smirking at me and I go for my first instinct. My fist makes contact with his temple and I try to get away. He grabs my wrist and twirls me back into his chest, knocking the air out of me.

"You're going to pay for that Omega." He spits at me as he rubs his temple.

I wake up sweating and screaming and Mason comes rushing in.

"Dove what happened? It's 5, why are you upset?" He asks and I sit there dumbfounded. Sound. Sound came out of my throat. My eyes go wide as I try to figure out why. It's only been four months, why can I make noise. I jump up and run to Mason, my nightmare completely forgotten. I pat his chest rapidly. I mouth Doctor to him, not completely trusting my voice. He nods, the fact that I actually screamed just hitting him. He picks me up and runs into the hospital building.

"Luna, please." He asks one of the assisstants. Theyve seen us in here for checkups and other various things before. I think they stopped questioning us when I coughed up a load of blood all over their floor two months ago. They give him directions and we go to her office. We burst in excitedly.

"Put her on the table." Luna Justine says without even looking up. She's the main boss at the hospital, so she doesn't really see many other patients. She just deals with special cases, like me.

"So what happened?" She asks, getting up and walking over

"She was having a nightmare or something and she screamed." Mason sets me down gently and I sit up.

"Dove can you open your mouth for me?" She asks and I oblige. She does all the normal doctor stuff before smiling at me.

"So Dove, good news or bad news?" She asks. She always asks this, and my answers always the same.

"Bad news, as always."

"Well, you can not use your vocal chords fully yet. Good news is that thanks to the amazing care of you're voice and lots of honey, plus you having a very fast healing system, you should be able to in about a month. Congratulations." She smiles widely and hugs me. I sit in shock.

A month?

I can speak, in a freaking month?!

This is so great! I mean, I would prefer it be today, but its a lot better than waiting eight more months. I look at Mason, who's smiling at me widely. I really have to thank him. He's the reason that I'm where I'm at. He's been bringing me at least two glasses of honey tea a day, and has been my messenger to the humans. He's even the one who gets up every night to check on me without fail. Everyone else has been majorly helpful as well, but Masons really gotten me through this. I hop off the table and give Mason a huge hug.

'Thank you..' I mindlink and he chuckles.

"No problem."

'Let's not tell them.'


'Because it'll be fun seeing Syms reaction when I finally speak.' Mase chuckles and nods. I turn back to the Luna who has a sly smile plastered on her face.

"You two be good now, and Dove, get lots of sleep. Sleep causes miracles." She playfully dismisses us and we leave. I seem to be floating, everything seems okay now. I've got amazing friends. I'm 99% sure my crush likes me back, and Blake seemed to disappear, and now I can almost speak! I skip ahead of Mason happily till we get to my room. As a thanks, I kiss his cheek before disappearing into my room and climbing into bed. I pat my bed next to me and he chuckles. He takes off his shirt and climbs in next to me.

"Dove?" He asks quietly, as if he wishes he had never spoke.


"I can tell you anything, right?" His voice is shaky. I turn towards him, and he looks anywhere but at me.


"Well, Uhm, how do I say this..." His voice fades.

"It's okay Mason. Just tell me." He goes quiet for a few minutes.

"..I know you have a little crush on me. But I found my mate and he's okay with this but if you're hoping for anything more I just want you to know that I don't like you like that." His words are rushed. I mentally start laughing.

"Mase I don't have a crush on you. You're like a brother to me, besides, I'm majorly crushing on Jaxon."

"Oh. I'm glad." We sit in silence and I gnaw on his words.

"Wait. Did you say he?!"

"Whatcha mean?"

"You said he. You said 'He's okay with it.'. Mase, are you gay?"

"Yeah. I've told you this." I give him a confused glance.

"I'm pretty sure I would've remembered if my best friend said he was gay!"

"Oh. Right. I uh, just remembered why I didn't tell you..."

"Spit it out."

"It's Leo."

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