Ch. 39

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I follow Rose into the house quietly, ashamed that once again someone else had to come to my rescue. I don't want to be a burden on my pack mates. I have to get stronger.


I come back to my senses and Rose has disappeared. I haven't even gotten to say thank you! Shit, I need to find her. She's probably in her room, so I head there. I open the door to see a very topless Rose facing away from me. I accidentally squeak as I go to shut the door. 

"What the hell?!" Rose rushes to cover herself and turn around. My face is pounding with heat. I wish I could just crawl into a hole and die. She chuckles.

"Dove, if you wanted to see me naked, you could have said so instead of just barging in here." She crosses her arms over her chest and I panic. I scramble out of the room, shutting the door behind me. 

"Th-That's not what I meant to do!" I stutter out, leaning against the door. I hear Rose laugh through the door with some rustling. I feel the door give from behind me and I fall back into what I presume is Rose. I look up to see her in her uniform. She puts me back on my feet and I turn towards her.

"Well, what did you need Dove?" She asks, cocking an eyebrow.

"I just wanted to say thank you for getting rid of Drake.." I fight to keep from covering my face, which I'm sure is probably tomato red by now. She waves her hand dismissively.

"Oh, that? That was no problem Dove, no thanks necessary. I love telling that little asswad to fuck off." 

"But.. But-" I start but she cuts me off by putting her hands on my shoulders.

"Really, there's no need for thanks, but since you're so insistent how about you buy me dinner as thanks? I'm going to be starving after work. Come by the cafe, I get off at 7," Rose smiles at me, which is odd. She doesn't smile often. I like it. I nod my head and she laughs.

"Alright! Now, I'm going to be late. Remember, 7 o'clock at the Diner, okay?" She places her hand on my shoulder in a caring way before moving past me to leave.

"O-okay!" I finally sputter out as I watch her back disappear out the front door.

What the hell just happened?

I'm not entirely sure if I'm honest. I shake my head and check the time, it's almost two... That's not bad, I have time for a shower and to crack down on the homework I've been avoiding. I head to my room and change my mind from a shower and run a bath instead. While the bath fills, I search around for some bubbles and instead find colorful bath bombs below the sink. That'll work.

I then grab my chemistry textbook and flip to the chapter we're currently on, dropping in the bath bomb and stripping before slipping into the bath, book in hand. I start to wash my hair as I learn about different chemical reactions, and my body as I learn about what chemical reactions to AVOID. By the time I'm done, it's 2:45 and I've finished the chapter.

I stride into my closet assuredly until I realize that I have no idea what to wear, my confidence visibly leaving my body, like a wisp lost to the wind of a cool autumn day. Only Rose is the autumn day, and how could I ever look like I belong by her if I don't even own a jacket? Tossing clothes out of my closet, I find myself wondering why I insist on looking so good on a casual dinner with a friend? This same friend who has seen me in gross sweatpants and a sports bra. I suppose I fear looking out of place, as if others will see us together and wonder why a princess has decided to sit with a mere jester.

I pull out a nice yellow sundress with a pair of strappy heeled sandals and place them on my bed. I brush out my hair before getting dressed, wondering to myself if a necklace may distract from my scar, or only draw the eye to it. I decided the latter, and chose to curl my hair to frame my neck instead. I do some light make-up, get dressed, and check the time again. I huff, annoyed. It's only 3:15.

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