Ch. 47

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I wake up and immediately wonder where the hell I am, but guessing from the sound of the waves, the sun in my face and the hard thing Im laying on, I'm probably outside. I open my eyes to see Mason standing over me, just blocking the sun from my eyes.

"There she is. You passed out outside, dummy." He laughs and I look around, realizing I'm on the steps halfway down the beach.

"And why the hell did I do that?" I ask, getting a hand up and feeling both the sunburn I had acquired and the wave of pain from my hangover as I stand. I lurch forward, swallowing the bit of vomit that tried to hop its way up ny throat, "And what time is it?"

"It's about 3pm. You decided to sleep out here because your wasted ass was having trouble getting down them." The amount of amusement in Masons voice is astronomical.

"Why was I was trying to come out outside?" I ask after making sure none of the band was around, noticing that Mason moves with me to block my view of the house.

"Beats me. Most of last night is blurry for everyone."

"Yeah, same here. Quick question, why am I damn near naked?" I ask, suddenly very aware that I'm topless and start trying to cover myself with my hands. How the fuck did I keep my sandals on but somehow lose my bikini top?

"Couldn't tell you that either." Mason hands me his shirt so I can cover up. Thankfully he's insanely tall so it covers to my thighs, "That's why I came to get you. Sym figured you'd be less embarassed if it was me."

It suddenly occurs to me that if I'm topless, everyone probably saw me and that's why Masons blocking the house. He's not trying to block me, he's trying to hide me. My face flushes with shame and I cover it with my hands.

"I'm never drinking again." I groan and Mason laughs.

"That's probably not a bad idea; but if it makes you feel any better, no one can remember jack shit so Sym and I are the only ones who know. You probably stripped while everyone was too wasted to be fully aware." Mason tries to comfort me and it does make me feel a lot better that no one remembers, but I'm still ashamed I did it.

"So what all does everyone remember?" I inquire as we make our way up to the house.

"Well, the fantastic four don't remember shit." Mason laughs and I join in. I do vaguely remember them trying to keep up with us, which was their first mistake.

"I'm surprised they dont need their stomachs pumped. Those guys party hard." I start linking again as we get closer, not wanting to chance the boys seeing my lips move and having to explain.

"Oh yeah. But I remember a little bit and Daniel says you and Andrew took turns recording all the stupid shit we got up to. So, you might when want to check your phone when you get a chance." Mason mentions as he slides the door open into the kitchen.

"She awakens." Rose teases as she sets down coffee for Andrew and the boys, who look like they all got hit by their own individual trains. I wave before accepting the warm mug she's handing me.

"Earl Grey with milk and honey, just the way you like it." She smiles and I could swear I saw a halo above her head.

"Are you sure your sister isnt an angel?" I ask ans Mason laughs.

"Even the devil was an angel once." He teases and the boys all groan from how loud he was.

"How are ya'll fine? You drank just as much as the rest of us." Eli complains, his hands cradling his head which I can almost see is actually throbbing.

"Really high tolerance. Plus, you don't remember but you drank way after they did." Rose lies, shooting me a wink.

"Oh shit, really? That males sense." Ashton grumbles into his coffee.

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