When We Were Superheroes

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I still have those pictures in my head from when we were superheroes, when that bench was our everything and that everything was hilarious. When happiness was easily achieved and you didn't have to lose blood to feel good. When an emo girl, a weirdo and a dork were invincible and the only complication was the lack of cash. When you could become best friends with a guy in a matter of seconds.

But shit eventually hits the fan. So you grow up and start wondering. When you stop trusting your decisions or trusting at all. When everything that defined you for the last years doesn't matter anymore. So you feel like an anchor, sinking and the only thing that can save you is other anchors (which makes no sense) . When you finally realize that sleeping is off the table and you should find something to do with your life.

But you feel like there's no time, that you're already in a tight schedule even though you have a lazy ass. You start to think that the city is running out of oxygen so you start panicking, gasping for air, asking for a time out, wanting to barf because the ride is way to intense and you didn't sign up for this. But you eventually find that place or person that makes you feel like everything's pretty and nothing sucks.

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