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Zoe's POV
I know where I'm going, and it's not to Atlanta. If I follow the tracks it should take me back to the grounders, the ones with the complicated groups and beards. "Ahh, Mrs Zoe. Are you here to break your own peace treaty?" Ezekiel asks as I walk down the rutted pathway, that's just off of the tracks. "I'm here to speak with Erica, or Lexa. Whoever is still incharge" I call out while standing in front of the wooden gate. The gate slides opened, and the same dark woman who I shook hands with months ago, is standing before me now. "LET HER PASS!!!!!!!! Zoe, what do you seek?"  Lexa asks while using her spear to help her stay balanced. "We need your help. We are going to war and we can't do this alone." I tell her  as I walk past the armed men. "Where is your group?" She asks while walking with me to her hut. "Two of them were captured, and two of them are taking the road 3 miles south." I reply. "So you want training?" She ask. "Well, when do we get started?" She asks while handing me a machete.

-2days later-

After 2 days of endless training, end practicing, she gives me that same black water color paint that she has. She applies it like an eye mask, and she lets it drip down. "You are one of us, Zoe of the strong ones." She says while braiding the rest of my hair. Only the top half of it if braided, and the bottom lays on my back. "ZOE!!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT??" I hear Carl scream from the gates. "Kill him if you must." Lexa says while pushing past the guards. "Let him go, he's my boyfriend." I say while running up to her. "Love is weakness, weakness gets you killed." She snaps. "Yeah yeah, now let him in." I demand. They lift their spears and allow Carl past the gates. "So, this is where you hid during war" Carl says to Lexa while looking at the huts. "We did not hide... Boy.. And I can kill you any time so watch what you say." Lexa snaps back. "Well, Carl come back with me to my hut." I say while using my spear as a cane. "Why aren't we leaving?" He asks while stopping. "We need help Carl, we don't have Rick, Daryl, Sam, Carly. We are weak, we need them. They are our only hope. And I have training in a few hours" I respond. "Training? Are you training to be a grounder? Is that why your dressed like that?" He asks angrily. "Yes Carl, it's our only chance and you know that. Your just too much of a coward to admit it." I say slightly under my breath. "I am not a coward. I don't want to die either, but we can do this together." He replies. "Where are we going to go? We are in the middle of the woods. Well, off of the tracks. But there isn't any buildings for miles. You can stay one night, then you can go if you must." I say. "It's time to stop playing grounder" he says while grabbing my arm. "I'm not playin anything." I reply angrily while walking to my hut. "Well you might change your mind after I tell you about Finnick" he calls out to me, causing me to stop and pivot on my foot so I'm facing him. "What did you do" I say angrily. "He told me I was gay, then we got in a fist fight. Then a woman on a horse showed up, took Finn and left" he says. "You couldn't do anything. UUUUUHHHHH!!!! CARL YOU COULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING. WHAT IF THAT WAS ME?!?!" I yell while putting my hands on my head.

I fell asleep in the medical tent, but the chair was seemingly comfortable. "They brought in someone familiar last night" Carly says quietly while rubbing the left side of her face. "Who?" I ask. "Finn, he was covered in slash wounds, and has 2 bullet holes." She says while sitting up. "Where is he now?" I ask. The tent across from us" she replies. I rush out of the room and run into the tent. He lays in a cot, and I don't know if he is knocked out or not. "Hey, Finn?" I ask while walking closer to him. They have the blanket tucked tightly to his lower half, but his upper half has nothing covering it, not even a shirt. "Hmm" he responds quietly. I'm honestly just glad to know he's alive, but just because he is means nothing about Zoe or Carl. "What happened? Where's everyone else?" I ask. "Carl happened, and I don't know. I don't even know where I am. I'm just glad your alright." He replies. After a second the lady told me to let him rest, so I went over to Carly. "I'm sorry this has happened to you." Clarke says while walking in the tent. "Heda." The woman says while looking to the floor. "If you like I can have my best men show you around, if you would like." She says directly to us. "Uh, sure that would be cool." I respond. "RICHMOND!" She calls out and immediately after the man shows up. "Heda." He says while looking at the ground. "Can you show Samantha and her little friend to their tents? And then if they would like, you can also show them around." Clarke says before leaving. The man takes us to tents and tells us that's where we will sleep, then shows us the food court and bathing area. That's pretty much all. He also showed us the only ways in, and out, of the compound. "Well, do what you please. I need to get to my shift on the east wall." Richmond says while walking away.

I go back to Finnick in hope that they will let me see him. "HES SEIZING!!!!!" I hear a woman yell from inside. This makes me run inside, to see him shaking. "Aren't you going to do anything?" I ask while almost crying. "Get her out" the nurse demands, but no one does anything. "GET HER OUT!!!!!!!!!!" She yells while getting a pump IV ready for Finn. Everyone stops and looks at the ground. "What are you yelling about Sally? No need to yell, especially at our queens second. Right?" Clarke says while walking into the room. While this was happening, Finnick stopped seizing. "See, you don't need anger, help the boy, she stays." Clarke says. "Yes Heda." Both nurses say at the same time.

They gave him an IV and told me not to try to wake him up or anything stupid. "Thanks" he says quietly. "For what?" I ask. "Staying here. I just can't stand not being able to get up." He replies. "These peoples bedside man suck. You know, your pretty cool." He says while drowsily smiling at me. I don't know what that means does he mean I'm cool, or COOOOL, or cool, or cool, or cool, I can't tell, so I just smile back. "I hate not being able to move." He complains again. "Why?" I ask back while leaning back in my chair. "I just do" he responds. "I wish I was downstairs when it all happened, Carl and I didn't even know what happened until late that night. And by then you were gone." He says. But I don't know what to say back so I just smile and nod. "Come here I need to tell you a secret" he says drowsily. I bend down next to him and he kisses me, and I kiss him back. "Your friend is missing Mrs Samantha, this is a more important matter" Clarke says from the door. So I look over at her. "Carly is gone." She finishes.

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