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I'm running through the woods and I'm being chased by walkers. I keep running and I don't look back. I can feel the fear crawling up my spine as I run. I wouldn't even call it running, I would call it sprinting. I think that 2 years of track and 9 first place runners awards, that I can run pretty fast. I reach a river that is moving very fast from yesterday's monsoon and I don't know what to do. Across the river I see my dead brother, with one finger over his mouth. "Shh" he says distracting me from the walkers that are right behind me. "Oh shit" I say as I run to the absolute end of the river. My brother slowly walks to a fallen tree and puts his finger back on his mouth before he turns around and disappears into the woods. I dodge a few walkers and make my way to the tree placing my left foot on its rotting trunk. Behind me was a death trap so I place my right foot on and start walking across the tree like it is a balance beam. The walkers that try to follow step on the tree and fall into the raging river. I get across and I see my brother once again. "Tell me your confession." He says as he disappears again. What confession? I think to myself. I try to go in the direction that Jack went in (Jack is my brother) and I don't see any tracks. Out of the corner of my eye I see someone hiding behind a tree. "Jack?" I say as I walk closer to it.

I look behind the tree and a dog that was hung by its leash hangs in front of me. Gross. People are just terrible things. Maybe that's why God decided he will kill us all. God... I don't even know if I believe in God anymore. When I was young my father took me every other weekend and tried to get me to be religious but I was always the type of person to believe in evolution, or a woman of science as what my mom called me. I believed in God because my family wanted me to. I hear a branch break somewhere around me because it was close enough for me to hear it. My head spins in circles searching for what cracked the twig. "Zoe??? Are you ok??" The voice says as my vision blurs and I see close ups of Carl. I tumble on to the muddy forest floor. "ARE YOU OK?" I hear echoing as I begin to shake. What the hell? I think as I stand up and pull my pony tail tight. "Well shit." I say as I look over and see the old barn. I must have walked north from camp. I open the barn door and it happens to be filled with walkers. I run down the road in the direction of the old house, that was blown to the smithereens. I pass the house and I come across a dirt road. Many of the walkers broke off but I have a dozen or so following me down the street.  I turn down the road, confusing most of the walkers. The road leads to a school, then a church. It's convenient that I find a church right after I think about how God killed us all. I go inside and it is completely empty but my brother with the walker bite clearly on his neck. "Tell me your confession." He says as he stand with his hands as his side in his priest suit. He wasn't wearing that before... "What confession?" I say as I stand at the door of the church. "I killed a lot of dead people, and only 5 alive people." I say as a tear streams down my face as I remember killing Carl after he was bit. "Your confession" he says as he disappears. "Someone saw me half naked before marriage?" I say as I walk to the center of the church. I hear whispers... Many whispers. I spin franticly to make sure someone wasn't behind me and my brother stands at the door. He turns around and his reanimated corpse comes closer to me. "WAKE UP!" He yells as me as blood drips from his eyes. "PLEASE WAKE UP!" He yells at me again. Then I feel a sharp pain on my arm. I look down and he has clamped ahold of my arm ripping my flesh apart with his teeth. "WAKE UP" he says one again before my old group comes into the church and they are all walkers too. Sam, Kelsea, Daryl, Rick, they are all dead. "WAKE UP" my brother screams before shocking me until I see white. I feel the pains of them tearing me to shreds as I am being jerked back and fourth. I close my eyes and wait until I die. Then the pain stops. "Are you ok?" Carl says as he hangs over me when I open my eyes again. I am back in my bedroom and I am laying on Carl lap. "What happened?" He says to me as I sit up from my laying position. It was all a dream.

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