Cary on.

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Sams POV
It says that 5 inches is one mile on the map, and It looks pretty far from camp..... Wait a minute... I think while lookin at the map more carefully. IM IN ATLANTA!!!!! It will take me a long- long time if I have to walk the whole way. Those people seemed really well off, I don't know why they are making me leave. The pain in my hand grows stronger so I put the machete in its holder and look at my hand. I remove the gauze, revealing what looks like a beer bottle cap stuck into my palm. The cap has red writing on it that says "do not remove". So I'm going to take it out. While putting my fingers on it, my flesh makes a gross squishy sound. I still pull it out because I don't know what it is. My hand begins to bleed.... To an extreme measure. The 'cap' was about one inch long and all of it was inside my hand. But I don't actually know what it is. I wrap the gauze back around my hand, even though it won't do much. If I find a car, it won't take long to get back to the house. I see a lot of walkers down the road.. A lot of them. I take the first walker that comes by down and cut open its stomach with my machete, this is the only way.

Kelseas POV
I took off with the motorcycle, heading back for home like 30 minutes ago. So I should be home soon. It's around noon, and we have been gone for like 17 hours, and we didn't find anything. But whatever. I'm around the corner from home now so I will be home in less than a minute.

After pulling up, I take my Katana off of my back and carry it and it's case inside. Carl is making coffee, and it looks like he just woke up. "Did you just get up?" I ask while putting my katana on the counter top. "Yeah" he replies while taking a small sip of coffee. I grab a bag of chips and go into the living room. I'm leaving again, I can't just sit here knowing Sam and Zoe are both out there. They aren't dead and I know it.

Zoe's POV
On the wall was a pop art picture of a barbwire fence. That was the first thing I ever saw of that group. The wired fence surrounding a huge prison. I distinctly remember Maggie, and how scared she was when her father was decapitated. It's sad to me, all that we lost. And I don't know why but I keep thinking about it.

I walk through the walkers, stealthily, but I have to act natural. There has to be over 100 of them, maybe even stretching out over a mile. It's a good thing that I was closer to the end of it, because I would never make it if I wasn't. I can see the clearing now, but if I move to fast, they will tear me to shreds. After a few steps, I'm free, but I still don't want to attract attention.

I sang this song to my sister, as a lullaby  while my parents were gone, and when I watched her die.

Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes
And when again they open, the sun will rise.

Here it's safe, here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
And this is when I love you.

One of the many conversations me and Kelsea had was about this song. This song is as close to my heart as anything has been in a long time. I look back, and notice I walk past a car that has my name written in the dust. So it was most likely left for me.
*6 hours later*
Listen, don't get me wrong, country rock isn't a bad genera of music, but after listening to CD after CD of the stuff, it gets real old real quick. But after a few songs, the song that says 'Cary on my wayward son' in it comes on. This song used to be on the show supernatural, only a few years before shit went bad. I don't actually know the name of the song, but I've heard that part so many times. "CARY ON MY WAYWARD SOOOOONNNNSSSSSSS !!!!!!! THELL BE PEACE WHEN YOU ARE DONEEEEE!!!! LAY YOUR WEARY HEAD TO REEEEEESSSSTTT!!!!! AND DONT YOU CRY NO MORRREEEE!!!" I sing while beating my hands on the steering wheel. I'm rockin out so hard, that I don't even realize that I almost run someone over. I jerk the car to a stop and get out. "Don't you turn corner Sam" I hear a familiar voice yell. It's Kelsea. I hear the trigger noise of a cross bow and watch Kelsea get hit in the stomach. There is a man in the trees, one I have never seen before but I take out my pistol and shoot him, killing him before he even hit the ground. This all happened so fast, in seconds even. "KELSEA!!!!" I scream while running out from behind the car. She looks at me, then down at the arrow that is sticking out of her stomach and then she pulls it out. I can't even react. She falls into my arms and I gently lay her to the ground. "Your going to be ok, you will be ok" I say while brushing her hair away from her eyes. "S...........sng" she pushes out as a tear runs down the side of her face. Her breath is staggering, and the arrow must have hit one of her lungs.
"Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes
And when again they open, the sun will rise.

Here it's safe, here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
This is when......" And her eyes stop moving. The tears in my eyes almost make me blind. "Kelsea get up" I say while shaking her shoulders lightly. "Kelsea please" I say again through the tears. "Don't..." I cry while taking my machete out of my pocket. "I loved you"

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