Chapter 1:Carson

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Chapter 1:Carson

Tonight was supposed to be like any other night. Having a kickback down in my basement, doing the usual: Drinking, Smoking "Dank" (Weed), and all around chill-in'. How the hell was I supposed to know how out of hand it would get? Most of the guys hadn't even showed up yet so it was just me, Logan and the girls. One of the girls in particular though stood out to me, Danilee. This girl was the radiation of life i kid you not. She was....Perfect. You’re probably like "Oh look at this dude, he’s whipped as fuck" but I’m serious. She had absolutely no flaw to her and i was thinking that, that might have been the reason whenever I looked at her the scenery got better and better.

I think what really started the night was when Matty walked in with Kylie. Right then and there was when all hell broke loose. I looked over to where Danilee was to see her reaction but her face was stone cold. Although her face was completely emotionless you could tell by the look in her eye that she was pissed. When Matty passed her he nodded his head as if to say "Hey" completely ignoring the other girls in the process. Danilee ignored his sad attempt to act like everything was normal as he pointed for Kylie to join her and the rest of the girls by the mini Fridge. When Kylie approached the girls Danilee started to bite her lip, a very old habit of hers which was the sign of her about to snap. She only did this when 1 of two things were happening, she was nervous or she was just straight up pissed. Nobody truly knew why Danilee despised Kylie. I think she told me one time that when all of us started to hang out that Kylie didn't like the fact that they were adding another girl addition to the group. I then asked her if she said the same about Matty and I. Her exact words were and I quote "NO! The bitch only has eyes out for me!" I laughed not knowing the seriousness of the conversation and received one of Danilee's very rare glares. The funny thing is, is that she looks even cuter when she’s upset.

After leaving Kylie by the girls Matty came over by us guys and took a seat on the sofa next to me. I handed him the bong after I took a hit myself. "Bro, You know Danilee's going to skin you in your sleep for this."

My eyes were barely open from my high but I swear i could see a smile creep across his face. "Yeah, I know" Seriously, what was this dude up to? He took a hit off of the bong and continued the rotation by passing it to Logan. He held it out in his hand for a while but it was never received. He was staring at the wall...Like legitally staring.

"Logan...Logan...HELLO!" Matty screamed the last time.

What?!?" It took a while but Logan finally came to and answered. Although his attention was still concentrated on the wall.

"The fuck are you looking at?" Matty asked.            

"You guys don't see it? The flowers?"

"No." I said. Me and Matty were gimping out by now. "What flowers?"

"The ones on the wall." He pointed to the spot on the wall he had been staring at for the past 3.5 minutes.

Mine and Matty's faces had tried to remain serious but Logan's stupidity got to us very easily. All and all I think I was the last one to have a straight face. Being the last one meaning that 2.2 seconds after Matty started to crack up I shortly followed in his footsteps. " I think the weeds getting to you." said Matty just before he turned to me." What the fuck did you put in this?"

"Ha ha very funny, Fuck you man--Its right--" Logan looked at the wall for a bit and then wiped his eyes as if he had misread the picture on the wall. "Where the hell'd it go?" his face was confused and curious all at once.

"Like I said..." I hit Matty on the arm but he was completely out of it and into his phone.

Being bored of our little situation I decided to eavesdrop on the girls to see how Danilee was deciding to take this predicament. Just over the music playing in the background I could hear the girl's conversation. "Danilee, whats up with you being so absorbed in your phone so much?" Kaylee said giving a small little wink. I looked over to where Matty was texting away. Could it be? Maybe they were texting each other.

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