Finding Garroth

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Garroth: "Um excuse me sir." I asked a Old man. The old man turned to me and replied "Yes? Who are you? A new super hero?" Super hero? What the world was that? "No. I am just a Gaurd." The old man raised his eye brows "If your not a super hero you must be a super Villen becuase i can feel the powers coming off your body." Super villien? Powers? I dident have any Magic's. He then motioned two Gaurd over in tribal dress. He then said "Come with me. Your under arrest until the super heroes get back and say your free." What? I wasent going anywhere with them. I needed to get back to Aphmau to help her with Laurance. "I'm sorry sir but I must be getting back to my home." I replied. "I dident want to have to do this." The old man sighed. Then somthing hit me in the back oh my head, Hard. I brought my hands to my head. Ouch! That stung. Then somthing hit me in the head again. Black spots danced befor my eyes as I tried to walk away from the old man and the guy that had hit me in the head. I then fell to the ground. Ugg. Again pain filled my head. Then everything whent dark. 

Katz: So Caster and I were paired together to if Venom started to take over Caster could get help while I tried to fight him off. Makes sense. Caster and I had been chosen to search The town of India for Garroth. I hope we found him soon. Caster and I stepped threw the door to be greeted by some Green spiders with snakes comeing out of their backs. We quickly killed them as there were only 3. We then began asking villagers if they had seen a blond Male that had a blue cloake. No one had seen Garroth. He must have gone threw another door.  " Come on! Let's head back." I told Caster. Both he and I walked back to the Dimentional door way. Then Venom said in my head "Hey Katz. I'm back." No! No! No! " Caster!! " I managed to say as my vision was going green. Can't let Venom win! I thought to myself. " Oh but he's not alone" Loki's voice said. As I faded into darkness.

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