Garroth's Powers

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Garroth: "No!" I yelled at Laurance and Katz as they fired Dark orbs of energy at Aphmau, Sly and I. They were not  going to butt my friends!! I thought as I felt energy corse threw my body. A blue Spark ignited in my hand. Then it grew to a blue force field around us just as the Orbs would have hit us. They ricoshaded off and flew back into their chests. They flew backwards as I suddenly felt light headed and collapsed. Voices. Movement. Crying. Thunder. More movement. Somthing lifting me up. Being placed down in something soft. Voices again. Then sleep overtook my body and I drifted off into sleep. I shot awake. And looking around me saw Aphmau sleeping in her bed. Laurence sleeping in the cot,. Sly sleeping in a pile of blankets. Katz was also sleeping in a pile of blankets next to the door. And Caster and Steaven saw I had woken up. They motioned me to get up and come over to the corrner where they were sitting. I got up and silently walked over to them. Laurance stored but still slept. He was a super light sleeper so he must be super tired to not have woken up from me walking past him. I sat down in the corrner with Caster and Steaven. Caster then whispered to me "How are you feeling? You used a lot of energy making that force field." I took a moment to let my body tell me if anything was wrong. Execpt for being hungry I felt fine. "I'm fine, just a tad hungry." I replied. Befor Caster could respond Steaven asked me "How did you do that?" How did I do that? I had never done it before that I could remember. "I have no idea." I replied as a memory sprang to my head of when Zane was a baby and he had fallen into the lake. A blue light had appeared and created a bubble around him floating him to the surface as our mom rushed in to grab him. Then I had fainted. My mom told me after words that it must have been a trick of the light and not to say anything to father about it and that I had fainted from fear that Zane was dead. Steaven must have seen my look and said "Are you sure?" "It has only happened once before when my brother fell into a lake and a blue bubble formed around him, but my mother said it was a trick of the light and not to tell my dad about it." I replied. Caster nodded "Who was your dad? Did he hunt people with powers?" Steaven asked me. "He was Lord of Okasis and he hunted people with Magics if that's what you mean." I told him. Laurance then shot up "I heard Okasis's name what happened?" He said in a flood of words. Caster laughed then replied "Shhh Stupied Laurance! We were just taking about Garroth's Family and why his mom told him not to tell his dad about the Force field he created when he was a kid. Garroth dident know what it was and never developed his powers." Laurance nodded. Then glanced around the room. Seeing That Aphmua,Sly and Katz where asleep he walked silently over to us. "you has Magics? I mean powers? Laurance asked me. I nodded still over welmed by it all. When Katz opened his eyes and yelled "Guys!! I'm trying to sleep!" Then Sly and Aphmua woke up and said at the same time "What is it?" Then we all laughed and I managed to say "We woke Katz up and he's not very happy about it." Aphmua and Sly started to laugh too. Then Aphmau said "I had another dream."

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