Thank you!

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Hey guys Star here and I just desided today to go check on my first book on wattpad (this one.) follow me on my journey......

Star: Hmm *looks on Desiny transformed see's how many views that got* "I wonder how many the first book got?" *goes to first book. See's the amount of veiws* "What. How. What? I realy have Aphmau fans to thank for this. But. People like me Fanfiction. I wonder if Jess has read it?" I said. Then reliazaion sets in. I HAVE 15.5 K VEIWS?!?!?! HOW DID IT GET THIS MUCH?!?!?! THIS IS SO COOL I MUST WRITE A THANK YOU CHAPTER!!! Thanks guys! I have you all to thank for this!! Now I suggest if your still reading this to go and check out the other books in this series! There awesome! (At least I think so...) Byeee

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