Chapter Four.

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Dominic's P.O.V

I entered my penthouse with no hands free, as around ten grocery bags were strapped onto them. I cursed at the way they were starting to cut my skin, but there was no way I was doing two trips. As I let them down on the counters I looked at my hands, they were red raw with lines all over them.

First I put away the dairy products, seeing as I didn't want them spoiling. Then began to put away stuff like cereal, beer, bread and chips.

Once everything was finally put away I plopped down onto the couch and made a loud huffing sound.

That was too much work for one day, I thought. Then engrossed myself into the tv.

I thought back to earlier, on the drive to Mercades place. Once we had arrived I realised her place looked like a dump. It seemed like a trap house, with addicts wondering the streets outside it. There was trash that covered the apartment steps and trash cans tipped over on to the floor. I didn't get how she could stand to live in such a disgusting place, it baffles me.

I had asked her in the car if she wanted to go out for coffee, despite how rude she was this morning. She accepted my offer and quickly gave me her number, then ran into her apartment.

The whole ride towards her place was silent. We made slight small talk, but over all the car was filled with an awkward silence. She only started a conversation as we entered her neighbourhood, which was how I asked her if she wanted to go for coffee. She was hesitant to accept at first, then after giving it some thought she did.

Trying to figure out the girl was the hardest part of all this, I just couldn't manage to do it. She was a different kind of chick than I was used to.

That's because she stuck around after she stayed, I told myself.

I knew that was the reason, seeing as I don't usually spend more than two days with a women. Even then the only women who got my attention for two days straight was my mother. The rest are all out the next morning, yet this girl had spent the day with me.

Probably because she told me no.

I didn't like being told know. I had always gotten what I wanted, when I wanted it with no fuss. Yet all she seemed to do was lift up my expectations, then crush them. Whereas everybody else knew I wouldn't be happy with saying no. I wouldn't make anybody do anything they didn't want to, but I guess they didn't want to say no to me.

My phone pinged besides me indicating I had received a text. I looked at it, then sighed as I realised it was from my dad.

From ~ Dad

I hope you're getting ready, it starts at seven remember.

I groaned as I lifted myself up from the couch and went to my bedroom.

To ~ Dad.

Don't worry, I'm in my birthday suit. All ready for it ;).

Minutes later he texted me back telling me I wasn't funny. I laughed at his response. Then walked over to my wardrobe to retrieve my tux.


I had been here just over an hour now and was already bored out my mind. My father had introduced me to a numerous amount of people, as had Glenn's and Drews.

We were currently seated at a random table doing nothing, when my step mother approached requesting to talk to me. I grunted as I left the table and followed her over to a corner of the room.

"What do you want?" I asked rudely, not caring if I offended her.

"Dominic I understand you don't like me, but there is no reason to be rude." She scowled.

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