Chapter 3- Run

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Another cracking noise was heard. This time I wasn't the only one to hear it, for I saw ten heads turn into the direction of the sound.

I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw a pair of evil red eyes. Then the scent hit me.

"Rouges" my wolf howled.

"Rouges! Dad! There are rouges in the area!" I screamed through my mind link. I turned around, knowing that I would be an easy target in such a far position from my pack. I watched as maybe a good amount of fifty wolves ran to fight against the rouges, while five more tried moving me away from the scene. I struggled with them, I wanted to fight, I wanted to keep my pack safe. I watched as necks were snapped, throats we're ripped and sides were bitten. Yet I was relieved that none of the dead bodies belonged to my pack. We were still too strong for them.

"Kaylie! Go! Run to the Full Moon royal castle! Don't even try to fight! Run!" my wolf whined, she wanted to fight too.

"But, Dad..." I managed to say, still struggling against the wolves trying to keep me from fighting.

"KAYLIE! GO TO THE FULL MOON CASTLE! JUST FOLLOW THIS PATH! IT'S AN ORDER! DREW! RYAN! GO WITH HER AND KEEP HER PROTECTED AT ALL TIMES!" This time I let out a small whimper at the sudden change of voice. He had gone into full Alpha mode. I couldn't disobey that tone even though I tried.

"Yes, Alpha." I let a small howl of anguish, still holding my clothes in my mouth, for leaving my pack, but I knew they would be fine. I sensed Drew and Ryan already on my sides.

I started running, faster than ever, leaving the horrible scene behind me. Fawn, Arya, Shawn, my mother, my dad... My friends and family...

A small tear ran through my face.
We kept running for what seemed like hours, until I decided it was safe enough to shift back into my human form. I ran into the trees. There were pops and cracks again, and I hurried to throw on a new set of clothes I had taken from my mom earlier before the attack: a pair of jeans and a black hoodie. Me and my love for hoodies. Oh well.

I continued moving along the path, trying to mind link with some pack members, ignoring Drew and Ryan behind me.

"Mom? Dad? Arya? Shawn? Is anybody able to hear me?" I waited and waited. My feet didn't stop moving, though.

No one answered. I tried a couple times more before giving up and accepting my situation.

"Kay, I'm scared... What if this pack members think we are rouges?? They would kill us!"

"Oh, stop it, you were sooooo much nicer when you were quiet."

"You would go mad without me, just accept it." I rolled my eyes at her.

"You know I would, but because you are a part of me, without you I wouldn't be what I am." Okay, that was really cheesy.

"Awww you really do love me don't you??"

"Just shut up already, Lex."

"You wish."

I snarled in anger, I had left my family and my pack, and still she kept on talking like nothing was happening.

"Sorry, Kay, I'm pretty scared and angered too... but I really am worried about this pack members..."

"I don't think they would try anything, I'm pure white after all, I'm sure they would know I'm a Royal."

I decided to block her and keep on moving. It was growing dark with every minute that went by and I needed to find shelter soon. My eyes started looking for some kind of cave that would be helpful, but stared at a tree instead. I cocked my head to one side, considering if I should clim it or not. It was really dark now, I could still see because of my incredible werewolf sight, and so I decided to climb the tree for the night.I checked to see if there was anybody around and started climbing on the tree's branches. I sat myself on a well-looking and strong enough branch and made myself comfortable. I tried mind-linking my brother, but I guess they were still out of reach.

-Princess, is everything alright? Ryan and I are going for a run to establish a safe perimeter, is that okay? We haver orders to protect you at all costs.- I sighed, feeling horrible for my earlier behavior.

-Yes, Drew, it's okay, and remember it is Kaylie, not princess. Don't get into too much trouble please.- I joked and left out a small laugh. I, too, hated when my close friends called me by my Royal title.

-Who would want to mess with us anyway? See this?- Drew flexed an arm to show off his muscles.- They wouldn't stand a chance, PRINCESS.

He was teasing, I had to struggle not to show it.

-You know what?- A smile broke in my face.- You're right, I should come with you to keep you safe.

I hopped off the tree and gave them a dazzling smile, while they gave me pouts instead.

I went behind some trees and took my clothes off, shifting back to my wolf.

I started thinking and questioning myself, why had my father told me to leave the pack? And why hadn't he ordered my mom to leave too? After all she was his mate, wouldn't he want her to be protected?

Ryan and Drew had already shifted and so we ran, I played around with them, after all, they were two of my best friends in the pack, besides Arya. We kept sniffing and pushing each other around when they stopped and got into fight positions.

"Ryan? What's happen...."

"Kay, run, there are like two rouges over there, their pack is coming and so is ours, don't worry about us, just go!" Ryan interrupted my thoughts.

I growled in disapproval, but sensed my pack coming, so I gave up and followed his instructions.

"We could tear them to shreds..." My wolf took control.

"No! You won't! Kay! It's and order from your father, and I, as Beta have to follow his orders."

My wolf whined, but started running back to the path. Sure Ryan would never leave, not when his mate was already on the way. Yes, Arya was Ryan's mate, I sensed his worry all along, he wanted to go back, but also had to follow his Alpha's orders. Drew, on the other hand, hadn't found his mate yet.

I kept on running, until I blacked out, with my clothes still in my mouth...

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