Chapter 4- Prophecy

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I woke up, laying on something soft...

What the hell?

I jumped out of the bed and contemplated my surroundings, while my wolf was on alert state, searching for trouble or danger.

The room was quite nice and big, I guessed it was the guest room of a castle... Wait... A castle? I guessed it was the Full Moon castle and I wondered if they found me on my wolf state, they wouldn't bring a rouge, right?

I'll explain, every pack, and I mean official pack (kingdom style) has their own mark, and it is present on the wolf form of the pack. If a wolf happened to become a traitor and run away (a rouge) the mark would disappear. My pack's mark was a simple moon with a star on the lower right. Pretty nice though.

I continued to study the room. It had a big window at one side, giving me a beautiful view of the forest, the bed was of a light blue color with some patterns in white, there was a plasma TV in front of it, the walls were painted of the purest whites I had seen, the floor was carpeted with a soft creamy color, and there was also a big walk-in closet with a door at one side, which I guessed was the entrance for the bathroom. I marveled at all this and realized I had been changed into a pair of loose shorts and a v-neck shirt. They had undressed me... THEY HAD UNDRESSED ME!

My wolf growled at the thought. I relaxed a bit after accepting that they had indeed saved me.

"Hey, Lex, calm your ass down, they did help us after all...maybe it was a woman, that wouldn't be so bad..."

I trailed off as I heard someone knock on the door.

-Come in.- I called, and a silver haired woman came in, bringing with her a tray full of food. I noticed she was having a hard time maintaining it balanced, so I hurried myself and took the tray from her hands, placing it on the bed.

-Oh, thank you. Good morning, sweetie, I am Madeline, your maid, did you sleep well?- the nice voice of the woman made me feel at home, relaxed.

-Good morning, yes, I did, thank you very much. What is all this?- I signaled the tray with my hand.

She frowned, then laughed.

-What? Why of course, it's your breakfast!- Now it was my turn to frown. Breakfast? In bed?

I voiced my thoughts.

-Of course! You didn't have it like this at the White Moon castle?- Confusion swept over my face. How did she...?

-We found you in your wolf state, if that's what you're wondering, it was obvious you were a Royal from your pure white color, and the mark gave us information about your pack.

I nodded, understanding at last.

-Well, anyways, welcome to the Full Moon pack Royal castle, we had contact with your father, the Alpha, this morning, they might be arriving late in the night. He explained why you were here earlier.

And yet, I, his own daughter, didn't know why...

-Why am I here? I mean, I know my pack is coming, but I don't get why my father wanted me to run from the ambush...

-Sweetheart, the reason you are here is that we can't risk our only Royal princess, I must assume you know that Princess Chanzey found her mate and is now Queen of the Summer Moon pack.

I nodded.

-Yes, but what does it have to do with me being last princess...

She looked at me, staring as if I should know.

-You seriously never heard of the prophecy?

I cocked my head, confusion returning back to my features. She sighed and went to sit on the bed, patting the space on one of her sides. I sat quietly and listened with attention to what she had to say.

She took a deep breath and started.

-Well, as you know, Royal mates are usually from their own packs, meaning that their isn't pure Royal blood in their descendants. however there is this one prophecy about one of the White Moon pack, a princess, given birth as a whole Royal blooded wolf, meaning she has to mate with some Royal prince to become the real King Alpha and Queen Luna of the whole wolf population. Now, when there were still whole Royal blood wolves, they possessed some powers that regular wolves couldn't, like super strength, ability to control one or two elements, things like that. Yet, these powers only showed themselves when the wolf turned eighteen, exactly three weeks after the human turned eighteen, as wolves usually take three weeks more than their humans to mature. Now, your birthday was two weeks ago? Right? Congratulations by the way, you have grown into such a beautiful lady, and your wolf is magnificent.

-Thanks, my wolf appreciates your flattering compliment.- when I'd I started talking all formally? Well..

-It is the truth, now, going back to the prophecy. You are the only princess left, the next week has the last full moon of the time the prophecy requires, Queen Chanzey is already nineteen, and didn't show any hint of being whole blooded. Your wolf is turning eighteen the next week. It can't all be just coincidence. All of this can only mean you are the one and only one who the prophecy may talk about. That's why you father is trying to hide you from the rouges, allies of the Dark Moon pack. They have orders to take you, alive, which means that King Darrien, who isn't mated, believes you are his mate, everyone is aware of this.

My mouth hung wide open as I took in the new information. My mother had told me something about this, but as in a good-night story. A sudden thought made me cringe... What if King Darrien was actually my mate? He is evil, he couldn't possibly be my mate, could he?

-We know he isn't your mate, why? Because we had a meeting some years ago, when you were still little and he was still a prince, he looked at you and yet he didn't show any kind of emotion, he was old enough to know who would be his mate even though she could be a baby, he would still recognize her.

I relaxed my shoulders, noticing they had been tense for a while. I had seen pictures of King Darrien, he was twenty one years old, really young for a King, but I was told it had been kind of a forceful thing. His parents had died in a fight against rouges and he had to take the throne immediately, at an age of nineteen. The thing that made me hate him so much, besides what I knew now, was that he threatened everyone to get what he wanted. Now he was threatening my whole pack just to get me.

-The problem is that he wants you at all costs, he will try to mark you, if he gets the chance, and force you to be his mate in this way.

I gasped.

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