Chapter 7- New

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Cedric´s POV

 -Thanks for letting me stay at your place, Steve, I really needed to come undercover to arrange this situation...

-Nah, Don´t worry about it.  But make sure to come again, kay? Next time as a real visit, no disguise.- he gave me a small pat in the back and said farewell. 

I was willing to get back to my family. My father would be giving me the throne soon, and then my duties with the rest of the smaller packs would become my main priority.

I walked into the forest, undressed myself from my clothes and shifted into my black wolf.

My wolf started giving me the speech on how I would make a wonderful king.

I took my clothes in my mouth and took a spring for my home.

Being the eldest of the Full Moon pack royal brothers wan´t an easy task. I had to prepare myself for the day I became king and therefore Alphaof the whole pack, I had to check on the pack, get along with them, learn fighting skills, study the protocoles, etc. etc... Besides the fact that most of the people considered me a tough guy, a rebel. Well, the people out of the castle. It wasn´t that I was rude, I tried to be as polite as could be, but the stress got to me sometimes and my temper is short so.. yeah. 

I decided to focus on my surroundings. There was green like... everywhere, in the grass, in the moss, covering almost everything around here. I took in a deep breath and relaxed at the scent of moist ground, feeling the soft soil under my paws. I suddenly forgot all of the stress my thoguhts were giving me. 

I kept running for who knows how long until I was like a mile away fro the castle. I decided to shift back and change into my clothes again.

The pops and cracks were now almost barely audible, because of the times I had shifted. I took my jeans and got in them, next, I took my V-neck black shirt and threw it over my head.

I sighed. Time to go back to reality dude.

Then it hit me. The best of scents there could be went straight to my nose, dazzling me, forcing me to follow its source. What could possibly smell this good? I had never smelt something like this before... It smelled like... honey and vanilla. My wolf started whimpering and howling. I had to block him, but I did hear something before...


I froze.

I let my legs and nose lead the way and started sprinting towards the source of the scent. It became stronger as I reached for the small clearing and that's when I saw her.

A girl standing in the middle of the meadow, sniffing the air, searching for something. She had long, dark brown hair and a skinny figure. She was wearing skinny jeans, giving me a perfect view of her thin yet strong legs, and a blue shirt, which sleeves reached for half of her arm. 

My wolf stirred at the sight of her. Was she a rouge? "It doesn´t matter! She is ours! She is our mate!"

-Mine.- I let out a small growl. She turned around and her eyes widened when she looked at me. The most beautiful eyes were looking at me, and I felt the urge to go and mark her, right here, right now. She had light colored skin, almost white, and her eyes were the purest of browns there could be, warm and tender. And don´t get me started on her lips. I had to stop myself from going and kissing them senseless. I could tell she was checking me out in a moment, her eyes shifting nervously from my eyes to my chest and arms. I smiled, noticing her jaw was practically hanging over without her noticing it. What was wrong with me? What was she doing to me? All of this was new to me, but I loved everysingle part of it...

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