Chapter 10- Let the game begin

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Kaylie's POV

We, Cedric and I, walked out of the room after my meeting with the royals. Cedric kept a firm arm around my waist, almost carrying me instead of just holding me.

-Cedric... Where are we going??- I asked curiously. We were heading to the family part of the castle again.

-I wanna show you something...- he murmured into my ear, making me shiver and smile in pleasure at the sound of his voice. Wait... What?

-Show me what?- I raised an eyebrow and made him stop dead in his tracks. Not that I minded a single thing he would show me..

Kaylie! For goodness sakes!

-It isn't anything about... that.- he winked at me and chuckled. He literally had the sexiest chuckle ever I swear!

-Oh, is it? I didn't know my laugh was sexy, baby.- my heart raced and seemed to be running a marathon the moment he called me baby. After evening my breath I frowned. How did he...?

Then I realized and repeated what I had said at the battle yesterday.

Damn these mind links...

-I also heard that.- he shot a cheeky grin and bent a bit, after which he placed kisses on my neck. And gosh! Was it hard not to moan. My wolf kept telling me not to stop this, but to continue it. Cheeky girl.

-You better stop before I complete the mating process in your halls.- I refrained a moan while I talked.

He hesitated, seeming to think about it.

-Don't even think about it!- I got myself out of his grasp and giggled as I ran away from him. Good thing I was used to running in high heels...

-Kaylie! What did I tell you about running away?!- he screamed playfully.

"Oh, you're so gonna get it when I catch you..." he growled into my mind. I laughed, knowing he wouldn't be able to harm me in any way.

"Just playing with him, no harm intended." I calmed my wolf down, who had begun to growl and try to force me to go back. Did she seriously think I would run away from my mate?

I kept laughing and yelling he wouldn't catch me until I ran into some strong chest and a pair of arms caught me before falling.

A loud snarl erupted from behind me and I turned around, if not scared for myself, scared for the one who had caught me.

-Get away from her...- Cedric's voice boomed through the entire hall. My legs shook a bit at his voice.

-Why should I? She was about to fall.- Cedric quickly scanned my body for any sign of injury and sighed a bit when he saw I was safe.

-She isn't falling anymore, is she? So get your hands of her!- he took a few gigantic steps and took me into his arms as soon as I was let free.

He hugged me and sniffed my neck, trying to calm himself down.

-Uhm... Babe??- this was pretty awkward for me.

-Are you okay? Did he hurt you??-he growled, checking me again.

I sighed and pulled away.

-Yes, I'm okay. And no, he didn't hurt me, he never would.- I was pretty exasperated now.

-And why is it? Do you know him??- he put me behind his back, while he was staring fiercely at my savior.

-It would be strange for her not to know me, wouldn't it?- He smirked at me, making me huff in frustration. He was looking for trouble...

-Yep, it would be, because he is my brother.- Shawn made a Bingo! sound and laughed at my mate's expression.

I walked around him and stared at him, first in shock, then bursting out laughing.

His face was confusion painted itself. His eyes were wide and his mouth in an "o" shape, while his eyebrows didn't seem to decide if to keep themselves down or frown. At the sound of my laugh, he came out of his shock moment and turned to look at me with an emotion I couldn't describe. Was it love? Lust? Even mischief would have been one of my guesses.

I stared into his blue orbs, watching in fascination, then resisting the urge to kiss him and never let go.

Shawn cleared his throat, interrupting our moment.

-So, yeah, I just heard and smelled Kaylie around here, I just wanted to check on her, I'm heading back with the rest of the pack. I'll leave you two alone, but I don't want babies yet, please. I'm too young to be an uncle.- I blushed madly and hid into Cedric's chest.

He laughed. What was so funny??

-I'll try.- I could even sense him wink! I let out a groan.

-Guys!!- I tried my best to sound exasperated. They just laughed at me.

-Okay, okay, we'll be seeing each other again at dinner time.- Shawn smiled at me and shook one of Cedric's hands.- By the way, my name's Shawn.


My brother went wide eyed.

-As.... In Prince Cedric?

He nodded.

-You're Kay's brother, right? You must be THE Prince Shawn as well.

-Was this the news you had for me, lil sis?- Shawn raised an eyebrow playfully.

I nodded, my smile shining.

-Guess we'll see you around again tonight, I really have to go now. Take care guys.

-We will.- we turned to see each other and burst out laughing hard. Shawn gave us weird looks and shook his head laughing his way out.

-Guess we have until dinner time for ourselves huh?- a husky voice breathed next to me. I noticed he had been resting his head on my shoulder, tilting it a bit to be able to sniff me.

-You guessed right.- I whispered, turning my head enough to meet his lips with mine.

This kiss was sweet, full of love. He cupped my face with one of his hands, slowly making it travel to the back of my neck, pushing me towards him softly and delicately. I bit his lip lightly, making him moan into the kiss. His tongue danced around my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I had a better idea, though.

-It won't be as easy.- I pulled apart, pecked his lips and winked at him.

He looked at me in pure shock. Well, he was a future alpha.... Those were usually in need of control, and they would get it without complaining.

I patted his cheek, smiled innocently, turned and started walking towards my bedroom, taking of my high heels and flopping myself on the bed.

I felt the bed sink a bit, but I didn't mind.

My body was turned carefully and rapidly by two big hands. Cedric pulled me closer and my hands started drawing his veins and muscle lines.

We chatted a bit, he tried to kiss me a few times, but I turned, trying not to give in at my own game. We stayed like that for a couple of hours, just enjoying our presence and company, bringing small subjects to our chat.

I remembered about the feast and took a glance at the clock. I immediately jolted up and jumped out of bed.

-We're going to be late!!- I put on my heels agains and went to give my makeup the last details. I shifted my gaze to Cedric's figure, still lying on the bed, staring at me. I was hoping I would wake up every morning and be able to look at him like that.

His muscles were built up, like REALLY built up, his arms were probably the same wide of my head, his chest and torso was strong too, and I knew damn well there could be an eight pack beneath clothes... He had the damn body of a model!!!

His eyes were fixated on me, his smirk growing within seconds. What had I done now? Did I have something in my hair? My dress? Maybe it was my makeup? I scrunched my nose in confusion as I turned to check on the mirror.

-Mind links.- Cedric's voice made me jump. He was standing just behind me, lust swimming in his eyes.

-Oh...- I knew that if I dared to say anything else I probably would end up embarrassing myself. He was standing so close, I just had to reach his lips with mine.

-Anyways, we are going to be late.- What? I thought he was going to kiss me??

I pouted and he snickered.

-Payback's a bitch... You know??- his nose scrunched up a bit, making fun of me.

-You shouldn't have been a tease earlier baby...- he whispered seductively into my ear. Someone help me please.

And the idea got to me.

-Is that so?? Two can play at that game, you know? First one to give in... gets no control after the feast.- I fixed the neck of his shirt while whispering back in his ear. I heard him gulp. Good.

-We probably should go now...- my voice as innocent as ever.

He narrowed his eyes at me.

-Deal.- he said, referring to my bet.

I smiled.

-Deal.- sparks went flying through my whole body as he touched my hand with his.

-Let the game begin then.- I winked at him as we headed to the dining hall.


I still need to edit this a bit;) And it's just the beginning of the whole teasing thing.

Next one will be a bit more... Interesting

Hope you like it sweet angels!

Let me know what you think and what should happen next...

I probably will upload Chapter 11 later this day;)

Stardust out!

-Stardust xx.

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