Chapter 25- Trouble

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Kaylie's POV

I felt Cedric rise up from the bed in alarm. My wolf went to an immediate state of alarm too and made me get into a defensive position automatically.

-Is there something wrong?- I asked him while my eyes scanned the whole room. Well, tried to scan what Cedric didn't cover with his body.

I rolled my eyes at his protectiviness over me. I was of more use than he believed I was.

-Shawn mind linked me. Some rogues broke into our lands. And they are quite a lot. We have some in the castle´s gardens right now.

I shivered and gasped at the same time.

They were here for me. They would try and take me to their King. He would force me to be his mate. He would have to kill Cedric for that...

I growled at the thought and started hyperventilating at the image of Cedric's body lying on the ground. I couldn't bear it. A great wave of rage and sadness rolled over me and my hands went to grasp Cedric.

-Kitten?! Oh my... Kay? Are you crying?? Shh, shh... Sweetheart.. baby.. what's wrong?? I'm here...

Cedric seemed to forget all of a sudden about the rogues and turned his whole attention to me. I didn't realize I was sobbing and that tears were flowing freely down my face.  He embraced me and started to rub my arms and back soothingly, one of his hands drawing circles on my lower back. He sat and pulled me into his lap.

-P-p-please... don't.. don't lea-lea-leave me.- I hiccuped between word and word.

Cedric frowned deeply and stared at me in confusion, not breaking his soothing patterns on my back.

-What are you talking about? My love, I'm never, ever leaving you! Why would I do that??

I tried to chuckle at his confusion, but the pain of the thoughts that kept invading my mind just made me gasp for air and try to form a coherent sentence.

-N-no, I-I-I.. meant.. don't leave... my side, don't... leave... me alone... They'll take me... and h-he... will try t-t-to... k-k-kill y-you.- I kept hiccuping. 

He seemed to understand what I meant and nodded once, desperation taking over his beautiful features.

-Okay, okay, baby, it's alright. I'm not leaving to fight. I'll stay with you... Just stop crying, sweetheart. I'm here, I'm here... And I'll never leave you.- he kissed each of my tears away and all over my face before reaching for my lips, probabl sensing my despair through the bond. I could never live without him. 

I'd rather die before going through one day without him.

My arms flew around his neck and brought him closer, needing as much of him as I could get to erase and make the pain go away.

I finally managed to calm down and focus on what was happening. We changed into the appropiate clothing and got ready.

"Kay! Wake up!! They broke into the castle!!!!" I heard Viane shout into our link. How is it that I could talk to everyone in the other pack now? Must be something about my link with Ced.

"WHAT??!! HOW DID THEY MANAGE TO DO SUCH THING??! HOW DID THEY ARRIVE SO FAST??" I was panicking. These lands were very extensive... How could they break in without anyone noticing??

-Cedric! They broke into the castle!! We need to help the others!!!- I exclaimed. Cedric's facial expression went from relieved to calculating. He pushed me behind him and signaled for me to follow him.

"Kaylie, we know both of us cannot afford to loose each other. Right? I will need you to follow every single one of my steps and instructions. I will never leave your side, and promise you will never leave my side, yes?" He caressed my cheek once before I nodded and he turned around once more to guide me.

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