Chapter 12- New friends

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Kaylie's POV

I was pretty surprised myself at Viane's reaction to me. I learned she didn't really know me or who was I, and decided to give her another chance. What I saw in her eyes was the need of love, the need of her mate, and that's when I really decided to forgive her and help her.

Of course I got royally upset about her trying to flirt with MY mate, but I couldn't blame her. He was hot.

I grinned, thinking about how lucky I had gotten with my chosen mate.


I snapped my head towards the now shy girl. We were walking along the outer gardens of the palace.

-Yes, Viane?- I tried to sound as harmless as possible.

-Why... Why did you save me??- she sighed, a bit frustrated.

-Well, I have known girls similar to you, Viane, but you were somehow different. You really didn't mean to go get Prince Cedric.

She frowned.

-How did you know?- I smiled, content about the fact that she didn't really want to sleep with him.

-I could see it in your eyes, you were only craving a bit of affection and love. And that kind of love you are looking for only your mate will be able to give you. When you meet him it will be incredible, no other man will be able to make you feel like he will.- I sighed.

She tilted her head to a side.

-You found your mate, right, Princess?- she stated. It wasn't a question.

I smiled brightly.

-Yes, I did.- I brought my fingers to my lips, signaling her to keep it a secret meanwhile. She nodded.

-And it's Prince Cedric, isn't him?- she quirked an eyebrow. I blushed.

-Sorry, about the earlier events... I really didn't mean to...- she was blurting desperately. I waved her off.

-It's okay. You didn't know, and I guess he can't help it, can he?- we laughed it off and continued talking about normal stuff, like how we didn't like very formal parties, about movies, music, clothes... Any topic, you name it.

We reached the extreme of the gardens and stared a bit into the sky.

I was thinking about how funny it had been to tease Cedric, and how turned on I had gotten with his possessiveness and protectiveness.

-Kaylie...- I had told her not to refer to me by my title.- Thank you.

I turned to her.

-For what?

-For listening, I am used to harsh treatments, I guess that's why I can get a bit bitchy and yeah...- she blushed.- No one has ever talked to me or even payed attention as you had done.

I gasped.

-That's nothing to thank for! You needed a true friend, and guess what? The Princess of the White Moon pack herself is offering to become yours.- we laughed and had to dry tears of laughter.

She got tense all of a sudden.

What happened next brought a smile to my face.

She started sniffing the air!! Her eyes became concentrated on finding something, and I knew what it was.

-Can you smell that??- she became hysteric, her wolf crying out loud. I wonder if I looked like that....

-Follow it, and just let it happen.- I winked as I took a few steps away.

She gave me a confused look, but turned away quickly, staring at someone...

I wanted to have a glance of her mate and almost let out a yelp of happiness. I began smiling and laughing. This day just couldn't get any better!!

-Shawn!!- I let out a high pitched scream. I was jumping all over the place, looking at the new mates, who were already sucking each other's faces off.

-Oh my!! Guys!! My innocent eyes!! They are burning!!- I put my hands on top of my eyes. A pair of arms wrapped around me and brought me to the safety of the chest of my mate.

-Is everything okay love? Are you hurt?- his voice was music to my ears.

I giggled.

-Yeah, I'm fine! But guess who found her mate!!- I forced myself out of his arms, earning a growl, to which I turned back and stuck my tongue out.

-Viane!! Shawn!! Come here and leave something for tonight!- I yelled to them, making them stop their make out. Viane blushed violently, while Shawn brought her to his chest, burying his face in her hair.

-Aww aren't you the cutest item ever??- I squealed. Everything was falling into place, my new friend was my brother's mate!!

-I have to disagree on that.- Cedric spoke from behind. I turned to him, smiling with mischief.

-How so?- I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands automatically flew around my waist, lifting me a bit.

-I thought we were the cutest item around.- he teased.

I rolled my eyes.

-Nope.- I popped the "p", making him scowl.- We are the sexiest couple around.

I tapped the tip of his nose with one finger and laughed.

He stared at me with adoration written all over his face. I had to force myself not to kiss him, I wanted control this night....

"You sure?? I want him. NOW." my wolf was getting impatient.

Before both of us realized, our lips crashed and started moving in sync, making it perfect, full of emotion and need. We hadn't touched each other since the feast began, and I knew it hurt him as much as it hurt me. His tongue began licking on my bottom lip and I granted immediate entrance to it. My hairs were now tangled into his hair, and his hands pulled me closer to him, pressing my bottom with his own. I could tell he might be a little rough tonight... He was in the mood....

A throat was cleared and we pulled apart to see Shawn with both his arms around Viane, who was overjoyed herself, watching his features intently.

I was confused, and surprised, about what just happened.

-Wait a minute...- I groaned, realizing we didn't really know who had caved in first.

-Were you caving in??- he asked, puzzled as I was.

-Well, that depends, we're you?- I tried to not make it to evident. He smirked, knowing that I indeed had caved in.

-Glad to know I wasn't the only one.- he pecked my lips shortly, after which I glared at him.

-Ugh, then the score is even...- I laughed. Anyways, I wanted to touch my mate already and my wolf had been suffering with me at the lack of contact.

I shifted my attention from him to my brother and his mate, now one of my best friends, and thought really hard.

-We should already announce our bonds, after our small stunt in there they probably already found out.- I laughed ashamedly, while Viane blushed and sent me another look of apology.

"It's okay, I told you, no resentment left. Besides, you already found your mate and you'll get the love you wanted. Believe me, it's one of the best things that will ever happen to you. Shawn will do anything for you, he'll love you unconditionally, you're lucky and the envy of a lot more girls." - I winked at her while I mind linked her.

She smiled brightly at me and giggled.

Shawn kept his gaze fixed on her, smiling, looking like a fool that would do anything for her, love invading his eyes.

-Yes, we should three royals that found their mate's, two of them being both of the White Moon's pack royal kids. And a prophecy that will take place soon...-Cedric seemed a bit amused at everything that has happened in this short time.

-The prophecy!! It is true!! Kaylie! You are the whole-blooded White Moon's pack princess!! You are our future Queen and Luna!!

Viane had a hard time containing her excitement, her eyes glowing and her body jumping as much as it could in Shawn's arms.

-We should do it now then.- I spoke firmly. Everyone nodded and we headed back to the feast that was taking place inside the castle.

I had already told my parents I had found my mate, Cedric's parents already knew it was me. Now we were going to announce it to both of our packs, make it official to the rest of the wolf population.

I sensed several pair of eyes on us as we walked towards the center of the hall.

Cedric held me by the waist, narrowing his eyes at every male that decided to stare at me.

We stood there and waited a few seconds before everyone had quieted down. I nodded to my parents when they gave me quizzical looks. They relaxed and smiled at me. My father made his way towards us, same as Cedric's father.

I smiled back and waited for my father to begin.

-Good evening to everyone, speaking in name of my family, we hope you have had an enjoyable time to all of you, both packs. Now, I would like to announce, that my eldest son Shawn, future Alpha of the White Moon pack, has found his mate, Viane, daughter of the Full Moon's pack third-in command.- Shawn held Viane, both of his arms resting around her waist, her front facing his side.

Cheers were heard from both of our packs, even whistles were present.

Cedric's dad then approached us and the room got silent.

-And now, it's a joy for both of our packs to announce...- he signaled my father to come closer.- That my eldest son, Cedric, future Alpha of the Full Moon pack, and King Frederick's only daughter, princess Kaylie, had found each other and are mates.

The cheers erupted again as Cedric brought me closer to his body, my own enjoying it.

Cedric pushed my chin up and I stared into his blue eyes, refraining my lips for a second, before he reached down and kissed me sweetly.

After that, the feast continued normally, with the difference that no male tried to stare at me, at least not hungrily or lustfully as they had before.

Cedric didn't leave my side as we both got congratulations and best wishes from everyone.

On the corner of my eye, I could see Viane had the same problem I had. We both gave each other exasperated glances.

"Big bad boy won't let you out, huh?" I mind linked her. She pouted.

"He won't! Ugh! Same thing with you right?" I laughed at the tone she used.

"Seems like we will have to escape, got anything in mind??" I grinned evilly, hoping she would get it.

She returned the smile, nodding.

"Let's say we need to go to the toilett, women issues, then we run out to the forest and shift." I gasped. That was the best FREAKING IDEA I HAD EVER HEARD!!

"You're a genius!! Okay, let's do it!! Just be ready for some overprotective, angry mates.." she giggled at the same time I did. This was going to be good.


Naughty girls.... Wanting to escape their mates;)

Hahaha let me know what you think!! I really loved the way I solved Viane's problem.

What? I really didn't feel like she should be a rival to Kay... They're becoming besties!! Yay!

Right now I'm working on Chapter 13 and plan to post it along with Chapter 14 once I'm done with them;)

So... You get to have two chapters!! There's being action in the next ones... Several kinds of action.

;) By the way! I keep thanking you guys for your comments, votes and reads!!

Love you tons sweet angels!!

-Stardust xx.

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