You're My Rock: Malec Back Story- Chp. 1

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~-~-Alec's POV-~-~

I can feel my world crashing around me. My parents worked with Valentine? How could I have been so blind, so stupid? My mind is going wild, thoughts spinning around and around. There's this one thing staying still in the back of my mind, I just can't figure out what. I've been punching at this bag for hours. Training is always my escape. Lydia... she really messed me up when she told me about my parents. To make things worse, Izzy has totally changed. After this whole "family name in jeopardy" thing she's trying to make our parents proud. I get that she's trying to protect me, so that I don't have to go and get married to some girl. There's very few people that know about my, situation. Lydia hasn't had the best relationship experience either. The others don't like her very much but I get that she just follows the law. It's traditional.

"SHIT!" I heard Hodge scream. I grabbed my bow and quiver and ran into the other room. I saw some... zombie like thing and aimed. I got hit in the ribs and knocked down hard. I clutched my side and heard Izzy's heels clicking against the tile as she ran. Hodge took out the intruder while Izzy helped me sit up.

"I'm fine Izzy don't worry about it." I took out my stele and ran over my healing rune. "Go help Hodge get that thing out of here, I'll report it to Lydia."

"No I'll tell Lydia, you go lay down and wait for that rune to take effect." I nodded and went to lay down in my room. On the way there I passed by Jace's room. I knocked on the open door and saw Clary sitting on his bed while he was in the closet picking out a shirt. They turned their heads and I saw Clary smile.

"Hi Alec!" She was happy at first but when she say me tightly holding on to my wound she jumped up to help. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, something got into the Institute, Izzy might need your help figuring out what it is."

"It got you pretty good, I could feel it, just about to go check on you, I had to cut my shower short. You alright?" Jace walked up pulling his shirt over his head.

"Yeah I'm fine, the healing rune is already taking effect. Just go help Izzy."

"Alright, tell me if you need anything." Jace put and open hand on my shoulder and walked off. Clary smiled at me.

"I hope you get better Alec." She hopped off with him. Ever since she came he's been different. Everything's been different. We don't go on missions anymore, we protect Clary. It's so stupid. I wish she just never came here. Then we wouldn't have gone to that stupid memory demon and that dumb memory wouldn't have slipped out. I wouldn't of had to meet Magnus Bane and... why did I just find myself thinking back to Magnus?

~-~-Magnus' POV-~-~

Client after client. There is always something to keep my mind busy. Sometimes it's hard to focus on my magic however. I can't get him out of my mind. He's great. He unlocked something in me. While trying to pour myself a drink my phone began to ring.

"You've got the infamous Magnus Bane, how can I be of assistance?"

"Magnus this is Lydia Branwell, I need your assistance at the Institute. We have an... intruder in the building."

"Oh, the shadowhunter Institute?"

"Yes, what other Institute would there be that needs your magic?"

"Well yes that's a very good point but what could have possibly gotten into the Institute?"

"Well that's why we need your help. So will you come?"

"Yes, certainly. I'll be there as quick as I can."

*^*^*Quick Time Skip*^*^*

When I got to the Institute I was immediately was rushed into the lab by Isabelle. She got me a mask and told me what to do with the specimen.

"I have reason to believe there was magic used while making this... thing. I need you to scan through it." She went over to do work on the computer. I never knew she was such a scientist. I took this time to talk about Alec.

"It's just so hard to tell if Alexander is even interested." I scanned over the last part of the... whatever it is.

"Well he has a lot on his plate with our parents making him marry and all." My hands fell at the news.

"Oh, well I would imagine." I took off the gloves and mask.

"I'm sorry, I thought he told you."

"No that's quite alright. I'll just go deliver that findings." I walked out with the findings in hand and went on my search for Alec. I caught a glimpse of him in the training room using his punching bag. "Alexander."

"Oh, hey Magnus." He reached over to grab his shirt, sliding it on.

"You don't have to get dressed up on my account." He looked down to start buttoning his shirt. "Fine, I'll admit. I liked what I saw. Here are the findings from my search on the... creature." He looked up and took the files, brushing my hand slightly.

"Thanks Magnus but these should really be delivered to the head of the Institute."

"And they are." He laughed slightly. "Alec your sister told me about your parents."

"She didn't have to tell you, you already knew. You were there."

"I assumed your parents told you before, I'm sorry you had to find out like that."

"It doesn't matter."

"She also told me that they're making you marry."

~-~-Alec's POV-~-~

I knew he would find out, but I didn't want it to happen through someone else. I just couldn't find the courage to tell him myself.

"Look Magnus I jus..."

"You don't have to explain Alec. I just want you to know that no matter what your life is your choice. Follow your heart." I looked into his eyes when he said that and realized that still thought in the back of my mind wasn't a thing. It's a person. That still thought in the back of my mind is my rock that keeps me grounding. My rock is Magnus Bane, and he keeps me grounded when I need it the most.

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