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Luke Dawson P.O.V

It is 7:30 in the evening right now.

Paisley has left home for almost 10 hours now. I had called her to make sure everything was okay, but I am not convinced. She was trying to sound confident but she rather sounded unsure and nerveous.

I made sure to tire Noah and Ryder so much throughout the day, that do not get a chance to ask Paisley any question about their father, like they asked me this afternoon.

I was pacing in the lobby when my phone rang, taking it out from the pocket of my jeans, I saw it was Ace calling.

"Hey!" I said picking up the call.

"To hell with your hey! What is happening there Luke?" Came his angry voice from the other side.

"What crawled up your a*s and died man? And what do you mean by what is happening here?" I asked my eyebrows creased in confusion.

"I know something is not right, Luke. Paisley texted me a couple of hours ago saying she wanted Redmond's number. I asked her multiple times why did she need it, she just said it concerns the twins and her life. She even made me promise that I won't tell anybody about it, especially you. It's freaking me out dude! Just tell me what the f*ck is going on!" Ace demanded.

"She asked you for his number and asked you not to tell me about it especially!? And you f*cking decide to tell me about it now? Are you  f*cking insane!?" I yelled.

"Damn! I know I am late. But please tell me what is going on." Said Ace.

"This morning Redmond suddenly came at Paisley's doorstep. He knows about Ryder and Noah....." I was saying when Ace cut me off.

"WHAT!?" Ace yelled.

"Calm down! There is more to it. He said that he never filed their divorce papers, inspite of both of them signing it. And the best part is, according to the US laws they are legally divorced but as per the England laws they a still married couple." I said, the words tasting bitter in my mouth.

"Wow! That's some crazy shit. How did she take?" He asked

"Oh! She feels on top of the world, you a*s! Of course she is disturbed and scared. She thinks he will take away the kids from her. She was ready to go and talk to him once, so that she can convince him to file the papers and they can work out a schedule regarding the twins." I responded with worry.

"Don't tell me she met and had a chat with him!" Ace said or more like begged.

"Of course, she would have by now. What time did she text you?" I asked.

"12 pm US time." He replied.

"WHAT? Do you know what the time is right now?" I asked anger lacing my every word.

"Just tell me already!" He demanded impatiently.

"It's 7:30 pm." I mumbled.

"Shit! I am sorry!" He apologised.

"Nothing can be done now." I said grimly.

"I am sorry, Luke. I just couldn't have imagined this would have happened." He said in a defeated tone.

"It's fine, Ace! You didn't know it, it's not your fault." I told him.

"Luke?" He said.

"Yes." I asked.

"When will you confess your true feelings to her? You know with all this going on, we don't want you to be too late. Actually you already are very late! Redmond is a vile man, he can do anything! He can use the kids for his own benefit." He stated the obvious.

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