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Kyle Redmond P.O.V

The expression on Paisley's when I told her about Dawson, broke my heart. She looked devastated! I could clearly figure out she felt betrayed and hurt.

A part of me felt guilty for putting her in such a position, the other part of me knew she had to know about all this one day or another.

When she asked me to let her have some time to herself, I agreed and left reluctantly.

I went down the stairs with a frown on my face. Thinking about what will Paisley do now.

"What's up with that face?" Kevin asked bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Huh!? Um.. nothing." I replied quickly, knowing he'll go nuts if he knows I told Paisley everything. Because according to him, I should have given her some space.

"You told her didn't you?" He asked or more like stated.

"Yeah." I said and pinched the bridge of my nose closing my eyes.

"Bloody f*cker!" He sneered.

"She is my wife, Kevin! I don't need your unwanted comments in my matters." I spat.

"Fine! I had just given a damn advise, which could have helped." He said and picked up his mobile off the kitchen counter.

"How!? Exactly how could it help me?" I asked annoyed with his constant preaching.

"If she wants to go and confront Dawson about everything you said, he can use the current situation against you playing the emotional card. That is the reason I asked you to let it cool down for a couple of days, but no. You, being the impatient rascal you are, just went for it." Kevin said his voice full of anger directed towards me.

"Then, I'll just have to be the complete stuck up bastard I am and not let her go. I have worked hard for all this, Kevin! I am not gonna sit and let him do whatever the f*ck he wants. Paisley has to understand me, she dosen't have any other f*cking option!" I growled banging my fist on the wall.

"Good luck there buddy." Kevin said and walked out of the house patting my back.

Frustratedly running a hand through my hair, I walked upto the Ryder and Noah.

I saw them playing with blocks.

"Daddy?" Noah called out.

"Yes, Noah?" I asked him.

"Can you please give me that blue block?" Noah requested pointing to the block that was laying on the floor.

"Sure." I said and passed it to him.

Watching the boys play with their toys I was waiting for Paisley to come down. Even though I don't know how much time will she take.

It's been more than an hour, since I had left Paisley upstairs alone. I was starting to worry now; worried about the choice she would make.

In the mean time I had given the kids a shower in the bathroom downstairs and put them off to sleep.

When I had carried them up to their room, I was really tempted to go and check up on Paisley, as she was in the room right across, but I refrained.

To distract myself from all this, I started to catch up on the files of the cases that require immediate attention, as I have court entire next week.

After another half an hour I could hear soft foot steps coming down the stairs. I could lay a bet it had to be my wife.

She didn't even glance towards the living room and went straight to the kitchen and I followed her.

I entered the kitchen and saw her taking out the fudge cookies from the cabinets.
She has a habit of stress eating.

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