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Paisley Redmond P.O.V

"So, dad passed away lonely. After I had forced you to leave, he stopped talking to me. It took me a year to convince him that I will get you back, and I deeply regret my mistake. Eight months down the line, I noticed he wasn't keeping too well health wise, we visited a doctor where we found out he was suffering from third stage tuberculosis! They tried all the treatments, but nothing worked and he died after a year." Kyle said and wiped a stray tear that rolled down his cheek.

After I decided to give Kyle another chance, we decided to catch up on the things that happened over the last four years. It started from my pregnancy details, Noah and Ryder's pictures and DVD's, my family and etc. Now, he just told me about Jeremy his dad, during the two years Kyle and me were together, I had developed a very strong and emotional bond with dad (Jeremy). He had started loving me more than he loved and cared for his son, always favouring me and treating me like his own daughter. So, when Kyle is now telling me about how dad died with the feeling of loneliness, breaks my heart and forces countless tears to flow down my cheeks.

"You know before he took his last breath in the hospitial he held both my hands and said "Please forgive me son! Forgive me for not being the ideal father to you, for the times I neglected you. No matter what now, I can't take those times back. Please, find it in your heart to forgive me for it, I never wanted to turn out like your mother, but I still did. I have always been proud of you son! Keep that in mind! I will be more proud when you get your wife back with full respect and trust. Tell her I missed my daughter. I love you both dearly!" He said and then closed his eyes forever!" Kyle completed emotionally.

"That's....... that's just so not fair! He was such an amazing human being! I wish all that never happened, I wish I could have been there with him." I told Kyle and closed my eyes trying to digest the information I just received.

"You have no idea, how much I wanted that. He had started seeing me turning like him when you left. That scared him! After you left, Kevin and Liam too cut off ties with me. It wasn't until I almost got into a terrible accident after 2 years, they both decided to interact with me again." Kyle said and my eyebrows furrowed.

"Car accident!?" I asked Kyle.

"I had resorted to alcohol after that night, thinking it would numb the pain, and of course it failed to do. One night I was drunk and driving like crazy, but the other car sharply turned to the other direction successfully avoiding the terrible collision that could have taken place. It was all over the media, that was the time Kevin and Liam decided it was time to knock some sense into me." Kyle said and everything seemed so heavy to take in all in one day.

"And what about the alcohol, you still consumed it after that incident?" I asked him.

"No, I didn't stop entirely but I did reduce it. The night I was informed about your whereabouts I was drinking. But baby, since the moment I've arrived here, I haven't even touched it." Kyle said and placed a kiss on the back of my hand.

I was absolutely quiet unable to say anything. I didn't know how to react.

"But now, we shouldn't regret or think about it anymore! I am sure dad is happy where he is, in a better place. I also hope he is proud of me, knowing I could get you to give me a chance. And probably, Kevin and Liam would actually forgive me too." He said holding my hand reassuringly.

I only nodded.

"Kyle..... what are gonna do with all this new arrangement now?" I asked absent mindedly fiddling with my fingers.

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