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Hey babies!!! *waves enthusiastically*

How are you all doing?
I hope all is well at your end:-)

It's been a long time isn't it? Almost a month!!!

So, a couple of days after I finished the book, a reader suggested I write some bonus chapters.

These chapters will be about the time Kyle and Paisley were dating and at the time they first got married.

If you people also want to read the chapters about their life after re-marriage, then please comment or text me to let me know.

Now, I wouldn't take much of your time and start with the chapter.

This chapter is about the time Kyle and Paisley were dating.


Paisley Smith P.O.V

I was in my deep slumber, but my phone didn't stop ringing.

I wanted to answer the call but the terrible ache in my body restricted me to do so and I continued to sleep like dead.

The reason for this terrible pain was my stupid health! I was down with this horrible flu due to the change in weather.

Since, childhood I have had very low immunity. Whenever the weather changes, or I am exposed to some kind of virus, I become it's first prey!

The constant ringing of the phone continued, but the medicines had already kicked in, making me drowsy.
After a couple of more rings I fell into my deep slumber again, immune to all sorts of movements and sounds around me.


Kyle Redmond P.O.V


This time again Paisley hasn't answers my call!

Since, last night till today afternoon I have called her approximately 70 times, dropped around 35 messages and a couple of voicemails, but she hasn't responded to any of them.

I going am crazy out of my wits!

I called her flat mate too, but she was visiting her family and didn't talk to Paisley for over a week!

It's their vacation time form university. All students from outside London had gone to visit their families except for my girlfriend.

After calling her a couple of more times, I stormed out of my house picking up Paisley's apartment keys and straight away drove over to her.

In 20 minutes I parked outside her building and rushed to her flat situated on the 23rd floor.

As I reached her apartment, I rang her bell twice and when she didn't open up, I used the key and got inside.

"Baby?" I called out for her and I got absolute silence in return.

"Paisley love?" I called out again and the response remained the same.

My heart rate increased at her lack of response and an unknown fear bubbled inside me.

I heistly walked towards her room and opened the door getting inside.

As I entered her room, I saw the sight which made my heart clench.

There on the bed was laying my Paisley, with her hair sprawled across her pillow and face, her nose and cheeks absolutely red along dark circles under her eyes. My eyes moved to the nightstand beside her, there kept were multiple medicine and tissue boxes with a jug of water and a glass.

She Was Broken Beyond RepairWhere stories live. Discover now