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Paisley Redmond P.O.V

Today at work I wanted to talk to Mr.Brown and to know the name of the firm we will be transferring for. I found Luke's point valid to know about the firm, even though Mr.Brown is an honest man, but entirely depending on him won't be very wise. Anyways, I couldn't talk to him as he was ill and couldn't make to work.

Another thing on my mind is Ryder and Noah's birthday. I really have been caught in my own mess so much that I couldn't even think about my kids. I feel if Kyle is here, I should tell him about their birthday, it's not like I can or should hide about it from him. Today when he comes to drop the boys off I decide, I would tell him.

I finished my evening cup of tea and heard the stopping of a car. Without a doubt I knew it would be the twins and Kyle, so I opened the door even before they could ring the bell.

"Well I see you could sense I was coming, huh?" Kyle asked with a smirk.

"Hey sweethearts!" I greeted my kids ignoring his stupid comment.

"Hello mommy!" "Hi mommy!" They said as we all entered the house and walked towards the living room.

After we all were seated I asked my boys "So, did you both enjoy yourselves today? What did you people do?"

"We did colouring, watched Tom and Jerry and played with ironman and hulk and with daddy." Noah replied.

"We also had more than two chocolates mommy!" Ryder said innocently. I felt proud of the fact he doesn't hide things from me. A complete mumma's boy!

"Oh man!" Kyle exclaimed face-palming.

I let out a small laugh at his action but stopped before he could take notice of it.

I saw Kyle and the boys acting a bit weird. As if Kyle was trying to tell them something.

"Mom, can we go to our room?" Ryder asked. This is surprising, they always want to be around when I and Kyle are together with them, but I usually send them away because we always end up arguing.

"Ohk....?" I said or more like question absolutely confused.

They ran to their room without waiting another second.

I got up as well and went to the kids playroom to arrange something's, hoping Kyle would get the message to leave, but he didn't as always!

"Paisley love, I want to tell you something." He replied following into the playroom.

"Not interested. Leave!" I said not even turning around.

"Well, that is not up for discussion cause I have to tell you this before we have another issue to deal with. So, please listen to what I have to say." Kyle said and I knew he won't give up until I listen to his nonsense.

"Does it include you again explaining things?" I asked.

"Not excatly, it's something you should know about." He said.

"Go ahead then!" I said with still my back facing him, while I was keeping the toys in place.

"Okay. So, I think you know that somebody new is shifting a few houses away from yours, right?" Kyle asked and I could sense something fishy.

"Of course, I do. I live here, but how do you know about it?" I turned around asking him with my eyebrows raised.

"Um.... uh... it's actually me who is shifting there." He said nerverously rubbing the back of his neck.

My eyes were wide as saucers and I am sure my jaw was touching the ground by now. What kind of an idiot is he!?

Jerk of first order!

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