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Kyle Redmond P.O.V

I sighed helplessly and opened the door and walked inside the house.

Throughout the drive from the hospital to here, I was trying to process everything that happened back in the hospital between Paisley and I.

People might think that what I did with Luke Dawson was wrong but for me, it was the only alternative.

I had been looking for my wife for the past four f*cking years desperately and when I finally found her, the situation was even more complicated than expected.

If I had to court Paisley then Dawson had to leave, otherwise he would just keep filling Paisy's brain with the reasons she should not get back with me. After all the years of gulit, loneliness, pain, helplessness and misery, I could simply not take a chance and let her slip out of my hands again.

So in my defence, what I did was only because I love my wife. And they do say everything is fair in love and war, right? Which means I certainly did not commit a crime.

Today, when I saw Paisley I could clearly sense the blind faith she has on Luke, which is threatening for me. She has to know that Dawson knew from a long time that I took away his clients. Even he lied to her, it was not only me. In order for her to make a decision, she has to know the complete and absolute truth, which I will reveal to her.

I slowly crept inside the house making sure not to make a single noise that could disturb my children's and Kevin's sleep.

I was walking to the stairs that lead the way to our room, when I saw a sole source of light in dark coming from the living room.

I cautiously took steps there and found the most unbelievable sight ever.

On the huge couch was Kevin half laying down with Noah and Ryder sleeping almost atop of him. Never had I ever thought I could find Kevin in such a situation.

I choked back a laugh that was threating to escape my mouth, I reached for the phone which rested in my track's pocket and quickly took a picture of them. I'm going to hold this picture against this rascal till our last day!

The television was still on. So, I walked towards the remote and turned it off.

I went near Kevin and gently shook him.

"Kevin." I whispered lightly shaking his shoulder.

He just shrugged his shoulders and re-adjusted his position.

"Kevin wake up!" I said shaking him a bit with force.

"What the hell is your damn problem!?" He gritted out once he opened his eyes and realised it was me waking him up.

"Nothing. Just get up and help me carry the boys upto their room." I said and carefully picked up Ryder making sure not to disturb his peaceful sleep.

Kevin gently removed Noah's head from his lap and picked him cautiously and followed me upstairs to the boy's room.

On reaching the kids bedroom, I tucked him into bed and pulled the blanket up to their chests.

"Sleep well boys, daddy loves you both." I whispered and kissed their forehead's and turned around only to see Kevin giving me an amused look.

Once we were out of the room Kevin spoke with a smirk "Are you like some male version of Paisley? Kissing the children's foreheads and whisphering those words to them while they are sleeping."

"Wait till you have kids of your own and I'll ask you about it." I replied.

"Whatever! Anyways, where is my sister? I didn't even get a chance to meet her since she has comeback." Kevin complained.

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