Between Me & U

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"Oh my god! Destiny she's fucking dead." I said pacing the room.

"Christian will you just relax she's not dead stop saying that. She's still breathing and she has a pulse." Destiny said. Monica has been unconscious for like 3 hours now. I put her in Destiny's bed hoping that it would make her more comfortable. Ava had been crying for her non-stop for the first two hours but Destiny finally got her to watch TV. I had to clean up the blood. I wanted to know what was wrong with her. I tried to ask Ava but she wasn't telling me anything.

"So should I poor water on her?" I asked Destiny.

"No dumb ass! She going to wake up just give it time ok." Destiny said. I didn't know what to do. I was starting to get scared. What if my parents came home or my bys came over Iwolud never hear the end of this and worse than me Monica. "Christian why don't you just let me call 911?" Destiny asked. I jumped up.

"And then what? I go to jail for murder? I've seen this in movies black guy helps out a mixed chick and goes to jail for a crime he didn't commit." I said.

"Christian you sound real stupid right now. And for the record, she Hispanic." She said.

"Same shit!" We were yelling going at it for a couple of minutes debating if we should call the cops when we heard Monica moan in pain. I rushed to her side.

"Ava where's Ava." Monica said jumping up then quickly started to feel the pain. I didn't know what to do so I pushed her back down on the bed as gently as I could.

"Monica lay down I'll go get her." Destiny said leaving the room but hitting me upside my head as she walked out. "You didn't have to push her stupid."

"Monica, I'm sorry." I said once she walked out. I looked at her tears welding up in my eyes. It hurt me to see her in so much pain. Yeah I pick on her but that not physical damage. I would never go as far as to jump her or something. I needed to know what was going on. A part of m wanted to help her. "What's wrong with you? Please just tell me what's wrong with you." I said.

"You really have to stop acting like you care." She said coldly. She slowly sat up pushing some of her lose hair behind her ear.

"Can you stop assuming I don't." I said she rolled her eyes.

"Christian you told me you don't." She said. I couldn't have looked more dumb and that says a lot considering that she's my tutor.

"Well, now I do ok." I said. she laughed a little, that was a good sign but I could tell by the look on her face that it hurt.

"Monica!" Ava screamed running to Monica. I smiled at the sight and then turned back to Monica.

"We need to talk." I said and she sighed knowing that I wouldn't give up. "Ava baby go with Destiny so Christian and I could talk ok?" She said. Ava did as she was told.

"Are you going to tell me?" I asked. "Why did you passed out?"

"Damn Christian okay, I've been stressing a lot lately and have a few cracked ribs. I'm supposed to be on bed rest but I can't because as you can see I have responsibilities." She explained.

"Well you could have just told me you had to be on bed rest." I said.

"So the school can blame me for you failing again? No I don't think so." She said. "What time is it anyway?" She asked.

"9:40." I said and she started to panic. Getting out Destiny's bed and looking around for her shoes. "I have to go! OH MY GOD! I have to go!" She said. I knew she was in pain at the pace she was moving but she didn't seem to care.

"Let me drive you." I offered but she shook her head no.

"Christian you have done enough. Thank you so much but I have to go." She said trying to move fast but I knew she couldn't.

"I can get you home way faster than the bus." I said and she sighed.

"Fine. Ava let's go!" She said. After getting Ava ready, we left. I didn't understand why I was being so nice to Monica. I was really going out my way. Maybe the cute little girl, I don't know. We got in my car and I turned on my music. Playing Ransom by Lil Wayne and Drake. My boys had been in my car today so I had to listen to Rap. Monica made a wired face.

"What?" I asked.

"What kind of music do you listen to?" She asked. "It's weird."

"Lil Wayne I not weird he's the best. He's revolutionary." I said she rolled her eyes.

"Buck buck this and buck buck that...How is that the best." She said and I smiled at her.

"How come you talk so much now but in school you're such a mute?" I asked. She put her head down. I really didn't mean to make her feel out of place.

"I didn't mean to bother you." She said looking out the window. "Ummm this is my house." She said. I stopped in front of her house.

"You don't bother me. I like to hear you speak actually. Your little voice is cute." I said. She turned her face so she could look at me. "And between me and you, you bomb as hell." I said making her blush. I regretted saying it as soon as it left my mouth but not because it wasn't true but because it was simply what was on the brain. I was being myself, Christian. And no that wasn't just another line I was actually telling the truth.

"Why are you being so nice now but you're such an asshole in school?" She asked. I thought a little before talking.

"I don't know. It's an image I have to up hold for my friends, I guess." I answered.

"Well between me and you, for a guy that runs the school you should be able to run his own life." She said before getting out the car and taking Ava out the back seat she was sleep. Monica couldn't carry her so I offered to. She said no and woke Ava up. I looked at her walk to the house before driving off.


its short but I'm tired

more to come soon

hope you guys like it

theres going to be hell to pay soon


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