You Have To Tell Him

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"You good?" Omar asked. I looked at Monica as she walked away and nodded.

"Yeah, ain't nothing" I said. I was hurt but I couldn't let him see.

"And that?" He asked, pointing to my hand.

"Hurting like a bitch!" I said, walking away from him and making my way to class.

It seemed to last twice as long. I couldn't shake what Monica said to me. I really did love her. I know our relationship was kind of rocky to start but when I asked her to be my girlfriend, I meant it. On a positive note my grade in this class was phenomenal. After all that tutoring I've really excelled in school. I can thank Monica for that. She was truly a great tutor. Replaying all that's transpired I couldn't help but think about Ava and how she asked about me. Even know she's not my responsibility anymore I do still care. I'd do anything to make her happy. She stole my heart the first day I met her. I must stop by and see her before she's discharged. My head had been all over the place lately. What was I doing talking to Jessica? She was bad news and I knew it. She only wanted me to get back at Monica, for whatever reason she has beef with her. I just wish she would've done right by me. Never in a million years did I think that she would hurt me the way she did. I figured I'd be the one to fuck up but those were bite marks and I know she didn't do them herself. As much as I hate to, I need to move on. I honestly wish we never met.

"Christian!" I heard Kayla whisper yell knocking me out of my trans. I turned around to see what she wanted.

"What!" I said annoyed.

"Did she tell you?" She asked.

"Tell me what!" I yelled. So, Kayla knows too. She calls herself a good friend but is letting her friend do hoe shit knowing she has a boyfriend. Some friend "Damn so you know the nigga? Kayla, I got enough knifes in my back right now I don't need another. She ain't tell me shit and were not together so I don't give a fuck." We both sighed.

"Damn, I guess she didn't." She said about to walk away shaking her head. Why don't people just leave me alone.


"Monica, you have to tell him!" I snapped as I continued to rub my hands up and down her back. She said nothing as we sat in front of the school. Tears streaming down her face.

"No Kayla. I can't deal with anymore judgement." She said.

"To hell with judgement Monica. You can't live like this. Maybe he can help."

"I tried okay!" She weaped. "He doesn't care. All he cares about is hurting me by taking Jessica to the dance." I just kept quiet and rubbed her back. I hated to see her like this. She has such a good heart, taking care of her sister making sure she didn't get pushed around from foster home to foster home. I hear stories about what its really like and I wouldn't want that for Ava either. "I'll just give him what he wants." I heard her say knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I said.

"He doesn't want me in his life. I can do that. I won't even look his way." She said wiping the tears.

"He doesn't mean that Monica. He just doesn't have all the information. And if you take yourself out of your shoes and see where he's coming from you would understand. That's why you have to tell him, so he can save you and Ava from all this madness." I said to her honestly. I hate to see her down but she has to realize that she can't do this on her own. She needs help, and Christian can be that help.

"Please Kayla, don't make me tell him! He can't know. He hates me and if he finds out the whole school will know." She said through sobs. "I can't deal with that kind of humiliation." I just rubbed her back trying to console her, not knowing what to do I began to cry hoping that would bring me peace in whatever decision I would make.

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