Baby Blue Dress

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The next time I update  It will be super long and more than one chapter  just an update.



"So do you still want to go to that dance?" Rodney asked standing in the doorway of my room. I stood quit not knowing what to answer. He walked over to me snatched me up by my hair that was now in a curly bob. "You hear me talking to you dammit!" He yelled in my face. I closed my eyes tight and he licked the side of my face.

"I'm sorry uncle Rodney. I heard you." I said softly tears welding in my eyes. He released me from his grasp causing me to fall off my bed. I got up sitting back on the bed.

"So answer me bitch!" He said as I looked at the floor fiddling with my hands.

"I don't know." I said. He started rubbing his hands together and even though I was looking at my room floor I could feel a smile grow on his face.

"Really? Because I got something for you. It's going to look so good on you." He smiled and exited my room. I wiped tears that finally escaped from my eyes. I knew he was coming back so I didn't move from the spot I was in. I just closed my eyes and thought about Ava, she was the reason I dealt with this mess. I prayed to God to relieve us from this mess. To send us someone who can help. He quickly came back in with the same smile plastered on his face holding a white box in his hands. I kept my head down as he passed the box to me.

"Open it." He said. I hesitated but grabbed the box slowly opening it, knowing that nothing good could be inside. I braced myself for another article of lingerie. I was indeed surprised when I pulled out the most beautiful baby blue off the shoulder dress. I wanted to smile; Christian would love it; but I didn't. I looked at it with a blank face.

"'It's nice." I simply said. He came and sat on the bed with me grabbing the small of my back. I flinched but knew better than to move. He noticed and sighed. He gripped my face making me look at him.

"You know, I don't like beating you Monica." He said calmly. "I love you, I've been in love with since you were a little girl who always wanted to hang with me." My eyes grew big but I said no words. I looked down wanting to vomit, looking in his face made me so sick.

"I...I want to go to sleep." I said not having anything else to say. I neatly folded the dress and put it back in the box passing it back to him. "I want to go to sleep."

"You know, soon you will be sleeping in my bed." He said bring his smirk back with pleading eyes.

"I'm going to make sure Ava is ok." I said walking out the room. I didn't want to be in the same room with him. Thank God he didn't pull me back. I walked into Ava's room she was laying down in her bed. She was bundled up into the blanket looking I sat down next her she looked so weak.

"Are you ok?" I asked. She sat up with teary eyes, her nose pink and her eyes starting to puff up. She didn't answer, she just snuggled up into the blanket.

"Ava, are you ok?" I asked putting my hand on her forehead. "Oh my god Ava, you're burning up!" I said.

"Monica ...I ...I'm...I ok." She whined.

"Ava you're not ok. Look at you!" I said almost about to cry. This was coming from nowhere because she was just fine when I picked her up from school. I didn't know what to do she was way too hot. My heart was racing but I knew this wasn't the time to panic. "Uncle Rodney!" I called his names a good 5 times before he ran in the room.

"What the fuck you yelling for!" He snapped grabbing me by my arm.

"Ava, she burning up. She's really sick I...I don't know what to do." I said the tears not pouring down my face.

"Calm down! Rub her down with some alcohol or some ice, then give her some Advil. Her fever should be down by the morning." He said then walked out like he didn't care. I did as he said but Ava still looked so weak. I got her dressed and laid her back in the bed. I couldn't sleep. I just sat watching her I watch so many TV shows when people don't take a simple cold or fever seriously and something ends up being terribly wrong. I can't help but be over protective when it comes to Ava. Rodney says she would be fine but I'm not wrong to worry. If her fevers not down by the morning our first stop will be the hospital.

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