Back to Square One

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I got home, put Ava to bed then tried tip toeing to my room. I guess was Rodney was sleep and would wait until the morning to beat me and I was OK with that. All I wanted was to sleep. I still felt a little weak. As I slowly walked from Ava's room making sure to lock it. I thought of Christian. He's really was good guy who is choosing popularity over his true self. I sad he was a good guy not a smart one. My smile faded when I got into my room and saw Rodney Sitting on my bed looking at my picture.

"Monica, what did I tell you about being a fucking slut?" He calmly asked. I paused, not saying anything. I was too weak to run which was a good thing because running would just make things worse.

"Uncle I... I wasn't." I started to speak but he got up and slapped me.

"I SAW THE CAR! I SAW THE BOY! MONICA, YOU WERE OUT SUCKING AND FUCKING OUT LITTLE WHORE!" He yelled as a silent tear slid down the side of my face.

"Uncle I wasn't, I swear. Why would I do that with Ava with me?" I said. He swung this time about to punch me. I jumped out the way so his fist didn't hit me. It hurt to move so fast but as long as he didn't hit me I would be alright.

"MAYBE YOU'RE TEACHING HER TO BE JUST LIKE YOU A FUCKING SLUT!" He yelled, grabbing my hair banging me into the wall, it hurt so bad.

"WHO WAS THE BOY?" He yelled.

"He goes to my school. He ....HE DROVE ME TO THE HOSPITAL AND BACK HOME THAT'S ALL UNCLE THAT'S ALL." I screamed so he would stop hitting me.

"BITCH YOU'RE LYING!" He yelled. I begged him to let me get my doctors note from my bag. He kicked me in my back. I was getting light headed.

"GO GET IT MONICA IF YOU'RE LYING I'M GOING TO KILL YOU." He yelled and I rushed to my bag as fast I can. I got the note thanking god it only had the date and not the time. He read it. What's wrong with your ribs?" He asked.

" hit me pretty bad." I said jumping back because I though he was going to hit me again.

"Take your shirt off." He said I just stood there for a minute but then he started to yell. "TAKE OFF THE FUCKING SHIT!"

I slowly took the shirt off, undressing myself. I stood there in my jeans and bra as he stood there looking at the bruises he gave me smiling a little. What kind of sick person could smile at this? "Now the bra." He smirked. I started to protest but then thought about what he would do if I didn't take my bra off.

"Monica, you better not be telling me lies. I don't want you around them boys." He said grabbing me by my hair again poking his finger in my side causing me to scream out in pain. "I don't want to have to hurt you Monica." He said grabbing the scissors and cutting my hair. I looked at it on the floor about to cry.

"Don't be sad it looked stupid all long like that anyway. I did you a favor. I like it short now go back in your room I'll be there in a minute." He said and I did as I was told slowly walking from the hallway where my bag was and into my room on the bed. He touched me in appropriately just like he always did. But he didn't stay as long he said I needed to rest. How it was in the doctor's note. I sighed. He can't see me around Christian again.


"What happened to you hair?" Kayla asked as she walked up to my locker. I sighed.

"Decided to go for a new look." I said getting my books.

"You did it yourself?" She asked.

"No, but I'm ok, Ava's ok, everything's good." I said as Christian walked over.

"Hey, you feeling better? Are you ok?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, he's starting to get like Kayla.

"Yes Christian, I'm fine." I said getting my bag. It really hurt to carry it but I didn't say anything.

"You cut your hair?" He asked. I put my head down.

"Does it look that bad?" I asked.

"No, No, it looks good, I like it." He smiled. Running his fingers thru my now shoulder length hair. I closed my eyes as chills flew through my spine. I liked it. What was that?

"Is there something going on with you two that I should know about it?" Kayla whispered looking confused. I laughed until Jessica and Yolanda came around the corner.

"Christian, baby it's been a while you haven't been over?" Jessica said to him. I felt like she did it just because she saw him talking to me. I got my confirmation when she turned and looked to me "Oh and you look an extra mess." She laughed. I looked down.

"Back off bitch!" Kayla snapped.

"It's ok really." I said about to walk away.

"What you scared you been spending too much time with my man?" Jessica snapped about to push me but Kayla stopped her.

"Jessica you're not my girl." Christian calmly said.

"Oh so this bitch must be wifey or is she just a charity case like Omar said" Jessica said.

"You said that." I whispered to Christian. He didn't say anything, so I guess that's a yes.

"She's nothing to me damn Jessica nobody ok." He said. That hit me like a ton of bricks. I stood there feeling stupid so I walked away. I'm nobody nothing. I guess he still has to hold his stupid image. I'm just a fucking charity case to him. Am I stupid for really thinking he could care about a girl like me? I guess so. Oh well, forget it, life goes on. Once again Christian is back on the list of people I hate.


I have to do better at updating this

here you guys go

I hope you enjoy it. the sadness should be over soon

stick with me


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