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Hi! Thanks for reading. So if you want to have a chapter with oc,theres things you must know.
1. Ill do the story line.
2. If you have any ideas, keep them appropiate.
3. Comment me your cats reference sheet :
Rank.(include clan)
Looks.(cats appearance.)
Extras.(not neede but useful)

If you want an oc ship story i requiere those elements.^^^

Ill include your username at the bottom with a little authors note. Also remember ill try my best, if you dot like it, ill take constructive feedback. Dont be rude!

RolePlay ships: i dont take request on theese.

Series Ships: ill keep my mind open for suggestions, but it doesnt mean ill actually do them. It can be opposite gender or same gender. Im only on the second arc but also read the first, and read crooked stars promise. Try suggesting cats from the 1 and 2 arc only, until further notice.

Thanks. Thats All.
-Author :-)♡♡♡

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